Why do you think advertisers put their products in movies? (product placement) Because an actor who uses the product in a tv show or movie can influence the public to use the product, or think a certain way.
Think happy meals, cigarettes in movies, liquor, and cereals loaded with sugar. Hatred and racism also has an affect, and this is very real. There is no imaginary influence on people. Its on purpose , well thought out, and targeted to its audience.
To the coward who wrote anonymously in reply to my post on antisemitism and about a jew that refused to allow jesus into his life. Was that a reason to kill him?
Historically, this is an issue that refuses to go away, and many jews have died in real life because of it.
The words I chose, spoke of anti-semitism in boardwalk empire and a problem in the real world, but you only saw this as a drama, written fictionally, in contrast, I live through hatred on a daily basis, tied only to my religion. I wear a yarmulke (head covering) and identify myself as a jew. Just as a person is a different color and hated because its not the same as thiers.
You must not be a jew, and must not be black, because you have no apparent experiences of racism or antisemitism. My Hypersensitivity as a jew, is based on realities in my life, and the need to express that showing hatred, only because of different religious views, cannot be tolerated in film or TV.
You are a coward to not give your name, and identify your race and religion, so we can see the reason for your biased point of view of the arts that cross the line and perpetuate an ugly hatred.
You asked to be heard and that your views be seen, and they will be heard, because your stupidity and tilted mind set and defending of racist antisemites must be shown to the world, that your ignorance is typical of what still exists while survivors of the holocaust die, and people forget.
Even jews forget about who they are, and what it means to be jewish. This is not the case for me, because I am jewish and I will never forget that being jewish means people will always hate me. Like your hatred for me. You cannot simply discredit the truth, to support your views, and maintain neutrality. That is my defintion of ignorance and blind hatred.
Let it go, and I will still have reason to not trust you. History speaks the truth, and jews have not changed their love of the torah, their love of god and their love of all jews. I have no hatred for people, and only defend ourselves when they threaten our lives.
Thank god I live in America, free to practice my jewish religion, and not afraid to let people know I am a jew.
Rob Tencer
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Boardwalk empire antisemitic undertones similar to...":
I have to post a comment about the article here. The author has written something that is alarmist and biased to such an extent that it begs for a rebuttal.
It is true that the Jewish character in question is murdered by a Gentile. Why? Quite obviously, if you actually watch the episode, this is because the Jewish character has done the following:
1. Murdered an extremely important criminal turned informant/witness in cold blood.
2. Taken money for this murder from the corrupt politician who is the Gentile's enemy.
3. In the process of murdering the witness has caused irreparable damage to the Gentile's (his boss's) thus-far successful career.
In addition the Gentile is under extreme stress at home in his marriage.
One character HAPPENS to be Jewish, the other HAPPENS to be Gentile. Jews are shown in both a negative and positive light throughout the first season. As are Gentiles, as are African Americans, as are Italian Americans, as are Irish Americans.
The portrayal of a Jewish character in fictional media as anything more than a saint, a martyr, and/or a victim is itself the expression of some courage, the writers should be applauded for DARING to realistically portray a Jew as human and fallible, dare we even say evil?
It is VERY far from anti-Semitism to show one character murdering another when the one being murdered has lied, killed for hire, and caused the murderer to take the fall for it, is it?
Really writer, your hypersensitivity is a textbook example of crying wolf on something which does not merit it in the least just because you DO NOT LIKE what the show has to say, i.e. Jews can be bad too (bad in a realistic way, not as some larger than life Rothstein legend who we all know is not an everyday sort of character).
A quote for you by a Jew about this topic -
"Fighting anti-Semitism seems to be for some Jews more important than any other expression of Jewishness ... The danger appears when one becomes dependent upon them for one's identity, so that one begins to need anti-Semitism."
Stanislaw Krajewski
And by the way I will bet you a large sum that you do not have the belief in free speech and democratic debate to EVER post my comment. Surprise me...
The New York epicenter for socialites and the story of a Los Angeles publicist invasion to the big apple. Come with me on my adventures.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
miley cyrus as a role model and a bong
miley cyrus was a child star on disney, and had a hit TV show called hanna montana. watched by millions of children from around the world. Whatever miley cyrus did, her fans wanted to do. Whatever miley cyrus wore, her fans wanted to wear. Whatever miley cyrus ate, her fans ate. Now that miley cyrus is seen in video's all over the internet smoking a bong, getting high, and tripping out while laughing, smiling and appearing to have a good time, all the little girls and teens that considered miley cyrus a role model, all want to smoke a bong and get high like miley cyrus.
The problem is that parents trusted disney and their wholesome and innocent image, but now the trust is destroyed. The wholesome values that disney portrays, put to much trust in their brand-able celebrities like miley cyrus, and when the bong video could not be covered up and made to go away, the effect is DAMAGE.
As a parent, the damage is the fear that my children will now want to do what miley cyrus did. Children cannot differentiate between hanna montana the character and miley cyrus the drug user. If she appears happy, smiling and having a good time, than all the children will want to follow suit.
regardless of the herb of choice for miley cyrus being legal, illegal, medical or for medicinal purposes, this glamorizes drug use to a very young audience, and this is frightening.
If you are a parent or if you are a teen or tween, you must understand that what miley cyrus did was careless, reckless and wrong. miley cyrus and disney tricked you into thinking miley cyrus was safe to watch, safe to want to be like her, when the reality is that hollywood destroyed her. While you cannot be watched at all times, and your parents cannot be with you at all times, it is up to you to make the right decisions in life.miley cyrus made the wrong decisions in life, but it hurt our children more than her.
miley cyrus, could have easily been raped, abused or killed after getting high of her own doing. miley cyrus could have over dosed or reacted in a way that could have killed her. If miley was on a roof top, she might have jumped, or lost her balance. People that miley cyrus considered to be close friends, video taped her, made her look foolish and exposed her to try to blackmail her after the fact, to make the incident go away.
You should not only look at the damage to your life, the risk you take, but the company of friends in which you keep. If you saw the video of miley cyrus, than you should learn the dangers of doing drugs. The danger that you cannot trust the people around you, and you cannot know how the drug will affect you.
Stay away from drugs and stay away from miley cyrus. miley cyrus cannot be trusted to look out for you, and above all do not say I want to be like miley cyrus, because she is not a good role model. The trust is shattered.
Rob Tencer
miley cyrus,
rob tencer,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Boardwalk empire antisemitic undertones similar to mel gibson
Boardwalk Empire uses antisemitic undertones similar to mel gibson's passion of christ, and this is how HBO might also be gaining an interest and viewership for another mafia series. The show is written by the writers of the sopranos, but for some reason, the writers wrote controversial anti semitic story lines in the same way that passion of christ gained notiriety, which in turn helped it gross millions for mel gibson.
Is this a plan by HBO to follow in the same footsteps as mel gibson, or just a public relations trick?
Loose historical similarities
Boardwalk Empire is supposed to be a loose version of a rewriting history, but why be so accurate for jewish hatred?
The core of the problem is as real today as it was in early american history. Spreading the lies of anti semitism is now saved for the affluent HBO subscribers.
From wikipedia about baptism:
Martyrdom was identified early in Church history as "baptism by blood", enabling martyrs who had not been baptized by water to be saved. Later, the Catholic Church identified a baptism of desire, by which those preparing for baptism who die before actually receiving the sacrament are considered saved. As evidenced also in the common Christian practice of infant baptism, baptism was universally seen by Christians as in some sense necessary for salvation, until Huldrych Zwingli in the 16th century denied its necessity.
Baptism signifies:
[Romans 4:11-12] [Colossians 2:11-12] [111]
death of the old self,[Romans 6:3-11],
cleansing from the guilt and corruption of human sin,[Romans 5:12] [5:18]
salvation (being saved) from the wrath of God to come,[Romans 5:9-10]
adoption as "sons of God",[Galatians 4:4-5]
identification (solidarity) with Jesus Christ himself.[Acts 9:1-6] [Colossians 3:3-4]
Michael Shannon
(self absorbing - Jew hater)
The problem with this scene, is blatant anti semitism, but the real problem is that jews still hold the same beliefs, which may put them in danger with overzealous christians who may copycat the killing of non believers. (Its a difference of religious freedoms that is what this country was built on) if you asked a jew, the same questions as in Boardwalk Empire you would no doubt get the same response from a jewish person.
Does that make jews evil, because they won't convert? NO, JEWS ARE NOT EVIL!
(perhaps the writers are guilty of watching to many south park cartoons)
In an interview in NY magazine, Michael Shannon, the actor who plays the anti-semite Van Alden, gives a twisted opinion in his own description of what happened to Erik Weiner's Jewish character Agent Sebso: (aka Damage control for to much anti-semitism in TV, by belittling the man and not the religion)
So let’s talk about the two really surprising things that Van Alden has done in the last two episodes. On last night’s episode, he drowned Agent Sebso (Erik Weiner). Tell me about that.
I don’t think he wanted to kill him, I just think he wanted to baptize him. The kid, he wouldn’t say yes and, you know, Van Alden’s a very angry person and I think when he drowns Sebso, he’s drowning everybody. He’s drowning Nucky, he’s drowning this whole situation. Because I think he resents the fact that he’s been put in the middle of so much sin and depravity. I think Van Alden really wants to be a good person, but there’s a lot of resentment and frustration built up inside of him because he can’t — it’s impossible. In this environment, he can’t maintain his character and his ideals. And so he’s disgusted with himself as much as anybody else … I think the word is he snapped.
Sebso’s not a particularly upstanding gentleman, but he dies because he refuses to convert, which takes some spine.
Sebso’s a little creep (Erik Weiner). He shot the witness. He’s not a good person. Sebso’s an asshole. I mean, I’m not saying he deserved to die, but he’s not an example of a great guy.
Who the hell does Michael Shannon think he is? Does he think he is the judge of heaven and who gets in, and who he must kill? There is a point in which Michael must stop playing a role, and come out and say this is wrong, but it seems like Michael Shannon wants to stay in his role, only when answering this question about Jews not wanting to convert. His opinions are best left to himself.
This is unacceptable in modern TV, and even for a pay subscription to HBO, this does not make it right.
Should this episode be edited to be less hateful toward the jewish religion? The question is, should this episode have ever been made? The answer is no, it should have had some self control on this type of issue.
While in earlier episodes, Jews held prominent roles as heads of mobs in NY, and were friends of the mob in Chicago, even recommending al capone stop wearing a hat for children, and he listens.
Boardwalk Empire is supposed to be a loose version of rewriting history, but why be so accurate for jewish hatred?
While you can tell that this prohibition agent has only a short time left to live, and he needs to create more hatred as the shows biggest villain, and we ultimately know that prohibition comes to an end, was the killing of a jew in a religious context necessary.
I say hell no. Shame on you HBO for spreading religious hatred against Jews.
Maybe mark wahlberg and Martin Scorsese left the scene in, to create controversy and to gain PR for the show? Regardless of their reasons for keeping the scene, it is still wrong.
Rob Tencer
cast of boardwalk empire (season 1)
* Steve Buscemi as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson. The corrupt treasurer of Atlantic County and its most powerful political figure. Thompson is based on Enoch L. Johnson.
* Michael Pitt as James "Jimmy" Darmody. Nucky's protege, he is haunted by his experiences fighting in World War I.
* Kelly Macdonald as Margaret Schroeder. A young Irish widow and mother, she turns to Nucky for help before eventually becoming his mistress.
* Michael Shannon as Nelson Van Alden. A zealous Federal Prohibition agent, he identifies Nucky as a key bootlegging figure.
* Shea Whigham as Elias "Eli" Thompson. Nucky's younger brother and former sheriff of Atlantic County.
* Aleksa Palladino as Angela Darmody. Jimmy's common-law wife and the mother of his young son.
* Michael Stuhlbarg as Arnold Rothstein. A powerful and intelligent New York gangster who enters into business with Nucky.
* Stephen Graham as Al Capone. A violent low-level Chicago gangster with ambitions of entering the bootlegging trade.
* Vincent Piazza as Charles "Lucky" Luciano. A Sicilian-American gangster and close associate of Rothstein.
* Paz de la Huerta as Lucy Danziger. Nucky's temperamental mistress and a former Ziegfeld Follies dancer.
* Michael Kenneth Williams as Chalky White. Nucky's equivalent in Atlantic City's black community.
* Anthony Laciura as Eddie Kessler. Nucky's bumbling and often overwhelmed German assistant and butler.
* Paul Sparks as Michael "Mickey Doyle" Kozik. An Atlantic City bootlegger. Doyle is based on Mickey Duffy.
* Dabney Coleman as Commodore Louis Kaestner (based on Louis Kuehnle). Nucky's mentor and predecessor in Atlantic City. He is revealed to be Jimmy's biological father.
# Erik Weiner as Agent Sebso. Van Alden's partner.
# Jack Huston as Richard Harrow. A disfigured World War I sniper who allies himself with Jimmy Darmody. He wears a tin mask that covers his face.
# Joseph Riccobene as Frankie Yale. An assassin who kills Colosimo.
# William Hill as Alderman George O'Neill
# Robert Clohessy as Alderman Neary
# Anna Katerina as Isabelle Jeunet. A French woman who owns an haute couture shop on the boardwalk
# Max Casella as Leo D'Alessio. A Philadelphia gangster Doyle owes money to. Based on the real life character Leo Lanzetta, a Philadelphia gangster.
# Edoardo Ballerini as Ignatius D'Alessio. Leo's brother and another Philadelphia gangster. Based on the real life character Ignatius Lanzetta, a Philadelphia gangster, sent to jail in New Jersey under a law the Supreme Court later overturned.[7]
# Anatol Yusef as Meyer Lansky
Boardwalk Empire,
mark wahlberg,
Martin Scorsese,
michael shannon,
van alden,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Lady Gaga Birthday present to Moe Howard of the 3 Stooges seen in alejandro music video
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Happy Birthday Moe! |
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Lady Gaga makes dancers get moe haircut for alejandro video |
What do Jewish New York Socialites know about catholic symbolism?
First of all, I am a jewish man, and don't understand the symbolism of a nun and what it stands for in the catholic church. I don't care how they dress, if they carry beads, and how they use crosses. Its not ignorance, but a different religion, I never studied that religion, and never dated a catholic girl. Mixing religious symbolism and sex is done for one purpose, to get attention. That I understand.
Lady gaga copies madonna VOGUE
Lady gaga copies MADONNA but gets nowhere
Happy Birthday Moe!
Is that a naked lady gaga?
Yes! its lady gaga showing her naked body to men with Moe haircuts!
My analysis of the Alejandro video is therefore from a Jewish New York Socialite point of view.
The first thing that came to mind was that all the men in Lady Gaga's video looked like they got Moe Howard haircuts. (Moe Howard of the 3 stooges) When I went to look for Moe Howard info on google, I realised today is Moe Howard's birthday.
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Lady Gaga has sex with a moe howard look-a-like |
Lady Gaga shows more sexy lingerie in Alejandro music video
Rather than bore you with anti-christ, anti-church, madonna wannabe copies that Lady gaga might have been trying for, the real message of the alejandro video from lady gaga, is a happy birthday to Moe Howard.
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Are those wrestling trunks on the moe dancers? |
Wrestling trunks on the moe dancers while lady gaga wears lingerie
Is lady gaga trying to say, that women of the catholic church are also guilty of sexual deeds, or is she trying to say that the good looking nuns do realize their sexual fantasies? While lady gaga does look more feminine in this video, with less makeup and shorter hair than in previous videos, she can no longer be mistaken for a transvestite or a transgender. No sexual organ bulges this time.
While lady gaga hired very fit male dancers, she gave them all Moe Howard haircuts, to pay respect to one of the greatest New York entertainers of all time.
Besides the visual copy cat, she also takes the sound of musical hits, stealing the sound of madonna's "la isla bonita" and ace of base's "Don't turn around". Its not enough that lady gaga steals (borrows) the iconic images of people like madonna, david bowie and andy warhol, she now seems to need to copy the sound of big selling hits. This formula has worked so far, but as people tire of lady gaga, all that will be left is the talent no longer needing the showbiz marketing. Is it enough to keep lady gaga making hit music?
Yes, it is.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
lady gaga tattoo close-ups
before lady gaga was lady gaga,
lady gaga may have only had 1 peace tattoo, on her inside wrist.
with an alter-ego, who is loud in voice and character and likes to dress like a boy dressing like a girl, may have come bigger and bolder tattoo's. lady gaga was quoted saying she modified an ugly tattoo on her ass and hip, because she could not face the world with a tramp stamp. She made a relatively small tattoo, into a large eyesore, that she tries to cover up.
please don't be like lady gaga and scar your body with ugly tattoo's. you may not understand me. I have nothing against the transvestite looking lady gaga. I do have something against being inked for life. stay away from tattoo parlors, jail tattoo's, white supremest ink artwork, if you can even call it art. I call it hatred.
A new tattoo for lady gaga
"little monsters" tattoo
lady gaga,
little monsters,
tramp stamp
Sunday, April 18, 2010
US Government needs new distraction from Goldman Sachs Fraud
President Obama and the US Goverment need an immediate distraction from the Goldman Sachs fraud investigation. The tea party will demand some type of arrest, and the democratic party will follow suit in demanding some type of legal action.
What I am trying to figure out, is what kind of distraction will be manufactured to decrease the public's interest in the matter.
Another word for this fraud is a scam to defraud not only America but the World by a bunch of con men. Their scheme couldn't fail.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is accusing Goldman Sachs of “[creating] and [selling] a mortgage investment that was secretly devised to fail,” according to The New York Times. The investment in question, Abacus 2007-AC1, was the brainchild of hedge-funder John A. Paulson. The Times reports: “Goldman let Mr. Paulson select mortgage bonds that he wanted to bet against—the ones he believed were most likely to lose value—and packaged those bonds into Abacus 2007-AC1, according to the S.E.C. complaint. Goldman then sold the Abacus deal to investors like foreign banks, pension funds, insurance companies and other hedge funds.”
Will the volcanic ash make its way to the USA and close down airports across the USA like its doing in europe?
Will there be new developments in Afghanistan?
Will Israel be the scapegoat, and have to give away more land?
Will it be Iran, Pakistan, Latin America, Greece who comes to the rescue of President Obama?
Another mine disaster, or possibly the grilling of the man in charge of the safety violations?
What will it be? Who will it be? Where will it be? Its only a matter of time, before something must happen.
Even if the distractions don't work, and goldman sachs is fined, it won't put a dent in the amount of money they stole from us over the years. It's like placing a fine on a professional basketball player of $500, compared to their $30 million dollar annual salary.
The only real way to punish them is to close them down, confiscate the money, and take away the crooks in handcuffs. It all must be televised, and they must be in jail longer than paris hilton or keifer sutherland served. Taking down goldman sachs, would also mean going after politicians and lawmakers who were complicit in the scheme and wrote the laws that aided in the fraud.
Distractions are a key ingredient in damage control or strategic communications. This is PR at its best.
What I am trying to figure out, is what kind of distraction will be manufactured to decrease the public's interest in the matter.
Another word for this fraud is a scam to defraud not only America but the World by a bunch of con men. Their scheme couldn't fail.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is accusing Goldman Sachs of “[creating] and [selling] a mortgage investment that was secretly devised to fail,” according to The New York Times. The investment in question, Abacus 2007-AC1, was the brainchild of hedge-funder John A. Paulson. The Times reports: “Goldman let Mr. Paulson select mortgage bonds that he wanted to bet against—the ones he believed were most likely to lose value—and packaged those bonds into Abacus 2007-AC1, according to the S.E.C. complaint. Goldman then sold the Abacus deal to investors like foreign banks, pension funds, insurance companies and other hedge funds.”
Will the volcanic ash make its way to the USA and close down airports across the USA like its doing in europe?
Will there be new developments in Afghanistan?
Will Israel be the scapegoat, and have to give away more land?
Will it be Iran, Pakistan, Latin America, Greece who comes to the rescue of President Obama?
Another mine disaster, or possibly the grilling of the man in charge of the safety violations?
What will it be? Who will it be? Where will it be? Its only a matter of time, before something must happen.
Even if the distractions don't work, and goldman sachs is fined, it won't put a dent in the amount of money they stole from us over the years. It's like placing a fine on a professional basketball player of $500, compared to their $30 million dollar annual salary.
The only real way to punish them is to close them down, confiscate the money, and take away the crooks in handcuffs. It all must be televised, and they must be in jail longer than paris hilton or keifer sutherland served. Taking down goldman sachs, would also mean going after politicians and lawmakers who were complicit in the scheme and wrote the laws that aided in the fraud.
Distractions are a key ingredient in damage control or strategic communications. This is PR at its best.
damage control,
Friday, April 16, 2010
Why can't HBO make Spartacus type shows?
Why can't HBO make Spartacus type shows?
While HBO's ROME was heavy on story lines, it was weak on everything else, including an anti-climatic ending. While New York Socialites fell in love with some of the characters, we felt cheated that HBO, cut the show short. The main actors were quickly gobbled up for US TV networks.
Rome creator Bruno Heller has finished the script for the sequel which will be set in Germany four years after the show ended. Both lead actors Ray Stevenson (Titus Pullo) and Kevin McKidd (Lucius Vorenus) will be back. Apperently, Vorenus survived the show after all. The HBO original series lasted two seasons.
Rome needed workers to maintain its wealth. The first conquered people were welcomed as Roman citizens, but after 265BC, many conquered people were auctioned off as slaves. A great deal of the grandeur of Rome was created by the grueling labor of slaves.
A slave named Spartacus led a revolt against the Romans 73BC. Spartacus built an army of thousands of soldiers from slaves he and his followers liberated. The slaves resisted the Roman army for more than two years and plundered the Italian countryside.
The Roman councils sent an army of 40,000 soldiers to defeat the slave revolt. Spartacus was killed in battle, but six thousand of his soldiers were taken prisoner and crucified. Crucifixion is a form of execution where the prisoner is nailed to a cross and left to die a slow, painful death. Crosses stretched for miles along the Apian Way, one of Rome’s most traveled roadways. They served as a gruesome reminder of the strength and the brutality of the Roman army.
The historical Spartacus lived from 109 to 71 BC. A slave and gladiator, he led an uprising against the Roman Republic in 73 BC. With 200 followers, he escaped the gladiator school of Lentulus Batiatus, the male basis for the character presumably played by Lawless. Spartacus was eventually joined by 140,000 escaped slaves; together they successfully fought the Republic until their defeat in early 71 BC. Unlike the famous crucifixion scene in the popular 1960 movie, Spartacus’ body was never found.
Watching lucy lawless naked, I suddenly remembered how crazy lesbians were for zena the princess warrior. I was thinking that they must be orgasmic over finally seeing zena unclothed. Spartacus blood guts and zena unclothed
As with Xena: Warrior Princess, the show will also feature strong female characters. “I come from the Joss Whedon camp, so I love strong women, and I love big sweeping romantic arcs that will probably end badly, just like Joss always does,” showrunner Steven DeKnight (Smallville, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The action-adventure series will also include gay characters, both male and female. “All of the above,” Tapert says.
What do new york socialites think about Spartacus compared to new york socialites in High Society?
Spartacus is the most violent and graphic tv show ever made.
If you casually turn it on, it looks like a russell crowe djimon hounsou scene from the 2000 oscar winning movie, Gladiator.
But if you watch longer than a glance, you will be awarded with a very nude zena princess warrior (lucy lawless). Lucy lawless as Lucretia, and please note that Lucretia is in charge.
The hybrid tv show for Starz satellite is much better than any HBO or Showtime production, or anything they have purchased or co-produced with the UK. The show, which ends the first season tonight, is being produced for Starz Entertainment, the premium cable network, which estimates that each episode will cost over $2 million.
Because New York Socialites love their HBO, they are equally goo goo over this Starz premium channel's grand marquee.
If this is the type of quality, and budget that the Starz satellite network has in store for us, than keep me subscribed.
If you don't have the Starz satellite network, try to watch the show on hulu, torrent, DVD or any way you can, because you will be missing the greatest show to ever be on the small screen. (IMDB.com says you can watch full episodes online)
The new york socialites in high society, on the other hand, while they try to garner media attention, the show does have violent fight scenes, but as of yet I have not seen any blood on the show. If they continue throwing champagne glasses, I am certain we will see blood.
final note: we wish a full recovery from cancer, to the star of spartacus, (no, not lucy lawless, the other star Andy Whitfield) The second season was postponed due to the ill health of Andy Whitfield, who was diagnosed with cancer. (was it skin cancer?)
Another update: Andy Whitfield had an untimely death. We are saddened by his death.
HBO may have finally surpassed the Spartacus series with one of their own. "Game of thrones" is the newest HBO series going into its second season. It has every bit the same level of production, quality and story lines as the Spartacus series, and it might even be better because of the acting of a little person named Peter D, and a large cast of unforgettable characters.
While researching this post, I found this bit of terrific news about HBO's ROME:
Rome creator Bruno Heller has finished the script for the sequel which will be set in Germany four years after the show ended. Both lead actors Ray Stevenson (Titus Pullo) and Kevin McKidd (Lucius Vorenus) will be back. Apperently, Vorenus survived the show after all. The HBO original series lasted two seasons.
Also, while researching spartacus, I found the history of the real spartacus:
was kirk douglas the best spartacus?
A slave named Spartacus led a revolt against the Romans 73BC. Spartacus built an army of thousands of soldiers from slaves he and his followers liberated. The slaves resisted the Roman army for more than two years and plundered the Italian countryside.
The Roman councils sent an army of 40,000 soldiers to defeat the slave revolt. Spartacus was killed in battle, but six thousand of his soldiers were taken prisoner and crucified. Crucifixion is a form of execution where the prisoner is nailed to a cross and left to die a slow, painful death. Crosses stretched for miles along the Apian Way, one of Rome’s most traveled roadways. They served as a gruesome reminder of the strength and the brutality of the Roman army.
Then there is the starz version of the spartacus history:
The historical Spartacus lived from 109 to 71 BC. A slave and gladiator, he led an uprising against the Roman Republic in 73 BC. With 200 followers, he escaped the gladiator school of Lentulus Batiatus, the male basis for the character presumably played by Lawless. Spartacus was eventually joined by 140,000 escaped slaves; together they successfully fought the Republic until their defeat in early 71 BC. Unlike the famous crucifixion scene in the popular 1960 movie, Spartacus’ body was never found.
Zena lesbian princess warrior is unclothed in Spartacus!!! Xena: Warrior Princess star Lucy Lawless
Watching lucy lawless naked, I suddenly remembered how crazy lesbians were for zena the princess warrior. I was thinking that they must be orgasmic over finally seeing zena unclothed. Spartacus blood guts and zena unclothed
The action-adventure series will also include gay characters, both male and female. “All of the above,” Tapert says.
What do new york socialites think about Spartacus compared to new york socialites in High Society?
Spartacus is the most violent and graphic tv show ever made.
If you casually turn it on, it looks like a russell crowe djimon hounsou scene from the 2000 oscar winning movie, Gladiator.
Another look, you would swear your watching the movie 300.
Spartacus is played by Australian Andy Whitfield.
The storylines are rich in revenge, love, sex, blood, desire and lust.
The hybrid tv show for Starz satellite is much better than any HBO or Showtime production, or anything they have purchased or co-produced with the UK. The show, which ends the first season tonight, is being produced for Starz Entertainment, the premium cable network, which estimates that each episode will cost over $2 million.
Because New York Socialites love their HBO, they are equally goo goo over this Starz premium channel's grand marquee.
If this is the type of quality, and budget that the Starz satellite network has in store for us, than keep me subscribed.
If you don't have the Starz satellite network, try to watch the show on hulu, torrent, DVD or any way you can, because you will be missing the greatest show to ever be on the small screen. (IMDB.com says you can watch full episodes online)
Lucy Lawless vs. Devorah Rose
final note: we wish a full recovery from cancer, to the star of spartacus, (no, not lucy lawless, the other star Andy Whitfield) The second season was postponed due to the ill health of Andy Whitfield, who was diagnosed with cancer. (was it skin cancer?)
Another update: Andy Whitfield had an untimely death. We are saddened by his death.
HBO may have finally surpassed the Spartacus series with one of their own. "Game of thrones" is the newest HBO series going into its second season. It has every bit the same level of production, quality and story lines as the Spartacus series, and it might even be better because of the acting of a little person named Peter D, and a large cast of unforgettable characters.
game of thrones,
New York,
ny socialites,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Lady Gaga exposed by NY Socialites she grew up with
“What I’ve discovered,”is that in art, as in music, there’s a lot of truth—and then there’s a lie. The artist is creating his work to make this lie a truth, but I slide the lie in, amongst all the truths. The tiny little lie is the moment I live for, my moment. It’s the moment that the audience falls in love with me.”
Lady Gaga exposed by NY Socialites she grew up with, who say she lies about many things.
by: rob tencer
In a recent cover story about Lady Gaga, in the new york magazine by VANESSA GRIGORIADIS, Vanessa further dissects, and exposes the making of a pop star who became lady gaga.
NY Socialites say lady gaga is a liar about almost everything
Vanessa, goes out of her way to ask new york socialites whom lady gaga went to school with and others that lady gaga grew up with, the truth.More often than not, her friends have a complete retelling of the history of lady gaga, far from the lies lady gaga has repeated over and over. Its these lies that lady gaga tells, to make us love her more. Does that make her lies and deceit any more palatable?
I really loved Vanessa's article, because she was very honest in her approach, satisfying the lady gaga fans while also satisfying the people who dislike lady gaga. Thank you Vanessa for getting to the truth about lady gaga's insatiable appetite for lying.
lady gaga secret starvation diet to become famous
Vanessa explained about lady gaga's drug use and how lady gaga really lost all her baby fat. Vanessa seems to think lady gaga was on a starvation diet, while lady gaga says she mixed starvation with cocaine use, to lose the weight. Lady gaga said: “Pop stars should not eat” (when you hear these words and see the violent negative images purely for shock value, the parents of kids who love gaga, should think twice about allowing this person, her message and filth into their lifes) Lady gaga describes herself as growing up several sizes fatter than she is currently. (this is supported through photographs and video's) It is not clear who pushed starvation on lady gaga. Was it was the record companies who demanded the weight loss, or some boyfriends, or what America demands of its celebrities. What is clear is that lady gaga is unhealthy with her starvation diet, and may die prematurely because of exhaustion.lady gaga has an ugly nose
She was young, skinny, and blond, but she had a prominent Italian nose, the kind of nose that rarely survives on a starlet. Vanessa hints that lady gaga had plastic surgery.lady gaga sexuality and the lies to shock people
New York socialites that went to school with lady gaga said she was not a lesbian, and was very into guys. Venessa goes further once again to say that lady gaga was into dressing like guys. To be more exact, she liked to dress like guys who dressed like girls. transvestites in heavy makeup.lady gaga had no style of her own
Vanessa interviews lady gaga's friends she grew up with, that said she has no style and that unlike madonna, she kept missing her breaks in life. vanessa said people were actually embarrassed at the way lady gaga dressed in sweats. Gaga wasn’t into fashion at this point: She liked leggings and sweatshirts, maybe with a shoulder out. “A couple times, she came to the studio in sweatpants, and I said, ‘Really, Stef?’ ” says Fusari. “ ‘What if I had Clive Davis in here today? I should call the session right now. Prince doesn’t pick up ice cream at the 7-Eleven looking like Chris Rock. You’re an artist now. You can’t turn this on and off.’ ”does lady gaga have real opinions that hurt?
While lady gaga plays down her dislikes, and only talks about love, happiness, fun and games, it was Vanessa who got the real girl behind lady gaga to reveal “I don’t like Los Angeles,” she told me. “The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I’m from New York. I will kill to get what I need.”lady gaga and the stage voice for public speaking
Vanessa, goes in depth about this game that lady gaga plays, and says that lady gaga has a stage voice which is different than the real lady gaga, however it was early in lady gaga's career and she has since learned to only show the game. As we began the conversation, Gaga spoke carefully in a very odd accent—some combination of Madonna as Madge and a robot, an affect enhanced by the fact that she refused to remove her lightly tinted sunglasses over the course of two hours. As we began the conversation, Gaga spoke carefully in a very odd accent—some combination of Madonna as Madge and a robot.lady gaga explains why she lies so much
lady gaga said: “What I’ve discovered, “is that in art, as in music, there’s a lot of truth—and then there’s a lie. The artist is essentially creating his work to make this lie a truth, but he slides it in amongst all the others. The tiny little lie is the moment I live for, my moment. It’s the moment that the audience falls in love.”
was lady gaga from a wealthy ny socialite family or middle class new york family?
lady gaga tells lies to further her mystique, and she even said so, which is why we have good reason to question her made up stories of how she grew up, and if she was in fact a privileged new york socialite trust fund kid? To hear lady gaga explain how she went to an upper class new york private girls school, may not be accurate of how she really attended, because her classmates refute many of the stories / lies. One of the lies is lady gaga describing herself as not fitting in, and an outcast, while her classmates describe her as a very popular girl in school.what is the truth about lady gaga's parents wealth?
how did Stefani Germanotta really get into sacred heart private girls school?
Sacred Heart, is a small Catholic girls’ school up the street from the Guggenheim. “Sacred Heart may have been prestigious, but according to Stefani Germanotta, "there were lots of different kinds of girls,” says Gaga. “Some had extreme wealth, others were on welfare and scholarship, and some were in the middle, which was my family. All our money went into education and the house.” whats the truth? what are the lies?lady gaga furthers the little poor girl angle
once Stefani Germanotta started the lie of a poor little girl angle, she had to continue the theme of how important material items are to her, and how much she covets what she could never afford. Lady Gaga tells a poor girl story, of being the only student with a job after school, as a waitress at a diner on the Upper West Side. With her early paychecks, she bought a Gucci purse. “I was so excited because all the girls at Sacred Heart always had their fancy purses, and I always had whatever,” she says. “My mom and dad were not buying me a $600 purse.” Vanessa had no answers during her interview of Stefani Germanotta true family stature and wealth.lady gaga fabricates her outcast personality
in being interviewed thousands of times, lady gaga begins to develop a fabricated story of being bullied and classmates calling lady gaga names like "the germ". lady gaga claims it was all about Jealousy, when she said:" jealous older girls began calling her “the Germ.” “They always talked behind her back, like, ‘Gross, she’s the Germ! She’s dirty!’ ” Gaga has often mentioned that she was an outcast in high school, but other than adolescent shenanigans like these, her friends do not share this recollection. “She was always popular,” says Julia Lindenthal, Marymount ’04. “I don’t remember her experiencing any social problems or awkwardness.”
lady gaga gets her first tattoo at age 15
lady gaga had her first tattoo: a G clef on her lower back. (“Before I made my first big music video, I decided to turn that tattoo into a huge side piece,” she says. “I just couldn’t face the world with a tramp stamp.”)before lady gaga's starvation diet she had big breasts
“At that time, my breasts were much bigger, and firm, and delicious.” (Another high-school nickname: Big Boobs McGee.) but then she started to starve herself and do drugs, and she lost the big boobs.Theft of iconic pop stars
Besides stealing iconic images from david bowie, liza minelli and even hiring the creative team behind madonna's iconic video's, lady Gaga channeled Andy Warhol. She stole his iconic round black glasses and his wigs, and started talking like him. “It’s as if I’ve been shouting at everyone, and now I’m whispering and everybody’s leaning in to hear me,” she says. “I’ve had to shout for so long because I was only given five minutes, but now I’ve got fifteen. Andy said you only needed fifteen minutes.”
How many friends and helpers did gaga dump to become famous?
The bitterness of friends lady gaga once counted, turned sour when she dumped them. Its not that she reinvented herself without them, its that she has a cruel and mean streak, and cannot be trusted. With her new lies, came a new circle of friends. She started her own Andy Warhol styled Factory, or the “Haus of Gaga,” as she likes to call her entourage. There’s Ã…kerlund; Gibson; her manager, Troy Carter; and the core team of stylist Nicola Formichetti and her primary collaborator Matt Williams, an art-school graduate whom she calls “Dada” (they have dated on and off during the past couple years).after a couple charted hits the fashion designers came knocking
In May 2009, after lady gaga released “Paparazzi,” a seven-minute video—thrown off the top of her mansion by her boyfriend, she’s reborn as the robot from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis—she became the haute-fashion world’s pet. “Gaga had some archival pieces from Thierry Mugler, but after ‘Paparazzi,’ everything changed,” says a former member of the Haus. “It happened in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, every fashion designer in the world was e-mailing her images.”wigs make great drama
lady Gaga figured out if she copies andy warhol with wearing wigs, she could become dramatic to the press and interesting to the public. If she could steal the lightning bolts from david bowie's face makeup, and the wigs he wore, she would look different. After all, it was from the seventies and none of her young audience ever saw anything like it before. The theft from iconic superstarsd, becomes lady gaga's trademark.

While reading the story from new york magazine, I realized that lady gaga must have been reading the rob tencer public relations how to guides, which are almost word for word on how to become a famous socialite. In the how to guides, rob tencer explains how to talk differently, how to walk differently, how to dress using props, how to control a room and direct all the attention to yourself. while in most wordpress blogs, you can change the date the post was made, in google blogger, you cannot change the date. Some of my other proof was destroyed when robtencerpr.com was hacked and the site was deleted, before its reincarnation.
I don't take the credit for lady gaga, or even simulate that I had anything to do with her. Using whatever angle is necessary to become famous is all I ever preach, without causing harm to yourself or others. I also believe it does not matter what you look like, fat or thin, tall or short, or what you sound like. everyone can become famous, if they figure out their talents and let the world know about them. Lady gaga has a real talent for singing, and this talent has not even been on display, besides the youtube videos of some pre-gaga performances.

lady gaga says anyone can do what she has done
Vanessa writes:"It’s an unlikely rise, and an unlikely name, and a totally unreal image. Lady gaga comments “I believe that everyone can do what I’m doing. I’m just a girl from New York City who decided to do this"While reading the story from new york magazine, I realized that lady gaga must have been reading the rob tencer public relations how to guides, which are almost word for word on how to become a famous socialite. In the how to guides, rob tencer explains how to talk differently, how to walk differently, how to dress using props, how to control a room and direct all the attention to yourself. while in most wordpress blogs, you can change the date the post was made, in google blogger, you cannot change the date. Some of my other proof was destroyed when robtencerpr.com was hacked and the site was deleted, before its reincarnation.
I don't take the credit for lady gaga, or even simulate that I had anything to do with her. Using whatever angle is necessary to become famous is all I ever preach, without causing harm to yourself or others. I also believe it does not matter what you look like, fat or thin, tall or short, or what you sound like. everyone can become famous, if they figure out their talents and let the world know about them. Lady gaga has a real talent for singing, and this talent has not even been on display, besides the youtube videos of some pre-gaga performances.
lady gaga,
New York,
ny socialites,
rob tencer,
Stefani Germanotta,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
taylor momsen paparazzi video is a fake gossip girl stunt
Why is taylor momsen (gossip girl jenny) making a fake paparazzi video? is it for a sports gym equinox? a shoe company nike or adiddas? maybe its for gossip girl? or maybe the video site funny or die? not sure why, but we do know taylor momsen used a stunt double to perform her stunts. This is nothing llke a ny socialite, and not even like lady gaga
gossip girl,
lady gaga,
new york socialites,
taylor momsen
Monday, March 22, 2010
lady gaga shocks us by poisoning the family dog
teaches your kids how to kill the family dog.

What's the Shock value of murdering a family dog with rat poison?

What's the Shock value of murdering a family dog with rat poison?
If you take the point of view, that Lady Gaga is trying to sell her music, by attracting people to over the top antics of music videos, than its not so bad. However, if you understand the age group and demographics of little girls who listen to lady gaga, it should begin to scare the parents.
It used to be paris hilton's job to make socialites look bad and uncontrollable, but since she was over exposed and lost her edge, the world lacked bad manners from a socialite. Lady Gaga is now in sole possession of "what is a young socialite?", but what makes this worse than paris hilton is that lady gaga represents NY SOCIALITES while paris hilton represented the west coast BEVERLY HILLS SOCIALITES.
lady gaga is daring the parents to take a stand. will this bold thinking make her bigger with the children, as she becomes more hated by their parents?KIDS ARE TO SMART FOR LADY GAGA SHIT
Or will kids understand that what lady gaga is presenting is terrible and disgusting ludeness, with the only reason to present herself in this way is to sell music.LADY GAGA HAS REAL TALENT
if you look at the early videos of lady gaga, before she became who she is today, you see a very talented young lady who wows the audience with talent, but leaves no lasting remembrance. lady gaga had to do something drastic in her career, and that was the shock treatment she created with lady gaga. I have learned from my love of professional wrestling that a TV or public personality no matter good or bad, can never turn it off and must show that personality at all times. we know from seeing the old lady gaga, that this persona is fake, but has great results.does lady gaga have the self confidence to turn off the shock,and just give us the talent?
looking at someone similar to lady gaga's career, gene simmons of the rock and roll band kiss, hid behind white face makeup and demonic costumes for most of his career, but found that people loved him no matter if he hid behind the persona, or if he was just being himself. Occasionally fans demand he put the makeup back on, for american idol performances or advertisers request the makeup in dr. pepper commercials, but the public know that its really gene simmons the father, behind the mask.LADY GAGA MAKES A GREAT HALLOWEEN COSTUME
besides a great halloween costume, do you really want your daughters to be like lady gaga, the shocker, who poisons people or animals with rat poison in their food? lady gaga cannot have it both ways. while lady gaga tries to have a strong voice of what is ok and not ok in the world, she demonstrates a lack of caring, by keeping a continued theme of killing people and pets with rat poison in their food and drinks.NOTE TO LADY GAGA:
lady gaga,
music video,
new york socialites,
ny socialites,
paris hilton,
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Building public opinion through emotional button pushing
This is a master plan that should be studied on how to change public opinion.
This is not damage control, but creating damage to reach an expected outcome.
Title: Building public opinion through emotional button pushing.
By: 10021 NY Socialites
This could only happen in California, because the BS meter would not get past New Yorkers, who would quickly see through this transparent plan, which is supposed to build public opinion. New Yorkers would throw this plan where it belongs, the toilet. That's why president Obama focused on the west coast.
Why pay people to protest, when you can incite them into doing it for free, by pressing emotional buttons.
While watching an episode of HBO's BIG LOVE, the native American actor said "I have seen protesting before, but not this well organized"
Which leads me to the theme of this post. Building public opinion through emotional button pushing.
President Obama hires a public relations firm that specializes in extreme and quick changes of Public Opinion which targets non working, self employed, mexican immigrants, african americans, baby boomers and minorities without group health insurance. (It also pisses off caucasians as well)
The pr firms technique for quickest results involves Public Opinion based on inciting, outraging, infuriating, and doing so exactly at a time when the white house requires overwhelming Public Opinion on their side. Their goal is American's support of the Obama health care plan.
The plot thickens - RATE HIKES
Leslie Margolin
For anthem blue cross of california insurance company (wellpoint), to become implicit and integral in this scheme it becomes very transparent that they were either promised somethingWho is WellPoint?
Indianapolis-based WellPoint is the largest commercial health insurer based on membership. It operates Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in 14 states and Unicare plans in several others.
Indianapolis-based WellPoint is the largest commercial health insurer based on membership. It operates Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in 14 states and Unicare plans in several others.

Who is Leslie Margolin?
In January 2008, Leslie Margolin was named President and General Manager of Anthem Blue Cross in California and Chief Executive Officer of the company’s BC Life & Health affiliate. Combined, the companies serve more than 8 million Californians enrolled in commercial, Medicare and Medi-Cal managed care health plans.
Prior to joining Anthem Blue Cross, Margolin served as national chief operations leader for Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest nonprofit health care delivery system. In that role, Margolin led a team comprised of eight Regional Presidents, as well as the national leaders of patient care services, workplace safety, hospital strategy, real estate, facility and construction services.
Formerly Kaiser’s chief human resources officer, Margolin served as management’s lead negotiator in KP’s historic national bargaining efforts in both 2000 and 2005. The negotiations, undertaken with 29 local and 9 international unions, achieved two consecutive 5-year national agreements covering more than 86,000 of Kaiser Permanente’s represented employees. The Partnership and these negotiations have been the focus of case studies by Cornell, MIT, Harvard, Rutgers, and UC-Berkeley and were the subject of commendation by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Prior to Kaiser Permanente, Margolin was with CIGNA Corporation for 13 years - three as President and General Manager of CIGNA HealthCare of California, and ten in the legal department, including her roles as Chief Counsel of CIGNA HealthCare of California and Assistant General Counsel of CIGNA Corporation. Margolin began her career practicing law with a management labor firm in Hartford, CT.
Margolin earned her Bachelor of Arts in Government from Connecticut College, her Juris Doctorate from Hofstra University, and her Masters of Laws (LL.M) in Labor Relations from New York University. She serves on the Board of Directors for the California Association of Health Plans and has served on the Health Care Service Plan Advisory Committee for the California Department of Corporations and the Legal Advisory Council for the Washington Business Group on Health.
Recently elected to the Los Angeles Urban League Board of Directors, and named Event Chair for the April 2009 March of Dimes - “March for Babies”, Margolin serves on the Ambassador Council of AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA), where she was formerly Chair of the Board of Directors, as well as Chair of APLA’s Strategic Planning Committee. She served as: Chair of the Board of Directors for Connecticut College’s Alumni Association, local Co-chair of the March of Dimes – Walk America; and as a Board Member of the Red Cross and YMCA.
Margolin was the subject of a case study profile by Dennis N. T. Perkins published in Leading at the Edge, Leadership Lessons From the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton’s Antarctic Expedition. The study covers her earliest years running health care operations and is identified in the book, for publication purposes, as “Rice Health Systems”.
In 1999, Margolin was invited by Governor Pete Wilson to address the California Governor’s Conference for Women in a segment entitled “Wildly Successful Women Leaders.” Also, in 2006, she was named one of four Bay Area “Women of the Year” by the American Diabetes Association.
An avid athlete, Margolin has run 8 marathons, including Boston, New York and LA. She is a cyclist and a cross country skier, plays tennis and racquetball, and enjoys gardening, cooking and international travel. She recently concluded a 4,000 mile bike trek across North America.
In January 2008, Leslie Margolin was named President and General Manager of Anthem Blue Cross in California and Chief Executive Officer of the company’s BC Life & Health affiliate. Combined, the companies serve more than 8 million Californians enrolled in commercial, Medicare and Medi-Cal managed care health plans.
Prior to joining Anthem Blue Cross, Margolin served as national chief operations leader for Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest nonprofit health care delivery system. In that role, Margolin led a team comprised of eight Regional Presidents, as well as the national leaders of patient care services, workplace safety, hospital strategy, real estate, facility and construction services.
Formerly Kaiser’s chief human resources officer, Margolin served as management’s lead negotiator in KP’s historic national bargaining efforts in both 2000 and 2005. The negotiations, undertaken with 29 local and 9 international unions, achieved two consecutive 5-year national agreements covering more than 86,000 of Kaiser Permanente’s represented employees. The Partnership and these negotiations have been the focus of case studies by Cornell, MIT, Harvard, Rutgers, and UC-Berkeley and were the subject of commendation by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor.
Prior to Kaiser Permanente, Margolin was with CIGNA Corporation for 13 years - three as President and General Manager of CIGNA HealthCare of California, and ten in the legal department, including her roles as Chief Counsel of CIGNA HealthCare of California and Assistant General Counsel of CIGNA Corporation. Margolin began her career practicing law with a management labor firm in Hartford, CT.
Margolin earned her Bachelor of Arts in Government from Connecticut College, her Juris Doctorate from Hofstra University, and her Masters of Laws (LL.M) in Labor Relations from New York University. She serves on the Board of Directors for the California Association of Health Plans and has served on the Health Care Service Plan Advisory Committee for the California Department of Corporations and the Legal Advisory Council for the Washington Business Group on Health.
Recently elected to the Los Angeles Urban League Board of Directors, and named Event Chair for the April 2009 March of Dimes - “March for Babies”, Margolin serves on the Ambassador Council of AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA), where she was formerly Chair of the Board of Directors, as well as Chair of APLA’s Strategic Planning Committee. She served as: Chair of the Board of Directors for Connecticut College’s Alumni Association, local Co-chair of the March of Dimes – Walk America; and as a Board Member of the Red Cross and YMCA.
Margolin was the subject of a case study profile by Dennis N. T. Perkins published in Leading at the Edge, Leadership Lessons From the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton’s Antarctic Expedition. The study covers her earliest years running health care operations and is identified in the book, for publication purposes, as “Rice Health Systems”.
In 1999, Margolin was invited by Governor Pete Wilson to address the California Governor’s Conference for Women in a segment entitled “Wildly Successful Women Leaders.” Also, in 2006, she was named one of four Bay Area “Women of the Year” by the American Diabetes Association.
An avid athlete, Margolin has run 8 marathons, including Boston, New York and LA. She is a cyclist and a cross country skier, plays tennis and racquetball, and enjoys gardening, cooking and international travel. She recently concluded a 4,000 mile bike trek across North America.
bigger, or that its in there best interest to play along.
By anthem outraging the public with 40% increases on non group policies, and even HMO plans, and rhetoric emanating from CEO leslie margolin, carefully composed to fuel the fire.
The californa panel that grilled Leslie Margolin with baited questions like "have you no shame?", also chose words carefully to incite and outrage with one goal in mind. To change Public Opinion quick. While wellpoint played bad cop, others had the role of good cop, with the role of night in shining armor left for president obama.
The following day, a follow up with a very staged obama open house, with far fetched illnesses and extremely rare insurance denials. (ie. She used her dead sisters dentures)
This is a master plan that should be studied on how to change public opinion.
This is not damage control, but creating damage to reach an expected outcome.
By rob tencer
Additional results of creating the emotional button pushing:
It allowed California's Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein to give her two bits with gratuitous sound bites, when she called the rate hike unconscionable. She also predictably used the incident of anthem's rate hike to say it was proof of the need for reform. (manufactured proof)
This staged and timed event, also allowed California Insurance Commissioner Steven Poizner to announce an inquiry into the rate hike on Monday, which doesn't require the state's approval.
Steven Poizner is vying for the Republican nomination in the next California gubernatorial race, and also spoke out against the rate hikes of anthem blue cross of California.
Also getting in on the chance to get their names in the press were: A congressional hearing will be held Feb. 24, at the request of Rep. Henry Waxman, D-California, and Bart Stupak, D-Michigan. They requested information from the company on its rate increases, calling on Angela Braly — president and CEO of Anthem's parent company, WellPoint Inc — to testify.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Grammy winner Beyonce outrages United States Citizens over her performance for Libyan Leaders family.

Is this the way a muslim man from Libya acts in public? Did he break his wife's nose?
Is that Aline Skaf sitting on Hannibal?
Bad Press (Damage Control) killed this Beyonce story quickly, but not quick enough to infuriate NY families and people old enough to remember the lockerbie terrorist bombing of an airplane filled with Americans. New Yorkers will not forgive Beyonce for her insensitivity. 10021 NY socialites blog will also not forgive beyonce for this.
What did Beyonce do that was so evil?
Beyoncé Knowles was paid $2 million dollars for performing at a private party for Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi's son Mutasim-Billah (Hannibal the wife beater) on New Year's Eve. Beyonce needs to return the money to the people of Libya, to atone for her stupid mistakes.
In 2003, Gaddafi finally admitted Libya was responsible for a terrorist bombing on board a Pan Am Flight 103 en route to New York John F. Kennedy in 1988, killing 270. (Many of whom were New Yorkers)
Didn't beyonce think New Yorkers would be upset. We all thought Beyonce's husband Jay-Z had an empire state of mind?
Mutasim-Billah - a national security adviser for Libya - smoked cigarettes, drank and laughed with his guests during the beyonce concert. Mutasim-Billah, Gaddafi's fourth son, Moatessem-Billah Gaddafi, was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Libyan army. He fled to Egypt after allegedly masterminding an Egyptian backed coup attempt against his father. Gaddafi forgave Moatessem and he returned to Libya where he now holds the post of national security adviser and heads his own unit within the army. Saif Al Islam and Moatessem-Billah are both seen as possible successors to their father.
Why are there differing reports of which son it was?
First off, there is 37 different spellings just for the last name gaddafi, so we begin to see the confusion of a few sons with similar first and middle names. The problem with naming which son this really is, is that The arab name of the fifth son Motassim Bilal (Hannibal) Gaddafi, is very close to the forth son Moatessem-Billah Gaddafi, However the caucasian wife sitting on his lap resembles hannibal's wife Aline Skaf, that he repeatedly beats up.
(I am going to say it is Hannibal for the Gaddafi responsible for throwing this party)
The fifth eldest, Motassim Bilal (Hannibal) Gaddafi, once worked for General National Maritime Transport Company, a company that specializes in Libyan oil exports. He is most notable for being involved in a series of violent incidents throughout Europe. In 2001, Hannibal attacked three Italian policemen with a fire extinguisher; in September 2004, he was briefly detained in Paris after driving a Porsche at 90 mph in the wrong direction and through red lights down the Champs-Élysées while intoxicated; and in 2005, Hannibal in Paris allegedly beat model and then girlfriend Alin Skaf, who later filed an assault suit against him. He was fined and given a four month suspended prison sentence after this incident. In December 2009 police were called to Claridges Hotel in London after staff heard a scream from Hannibal's room. Aline Skaf, now his wife, was found to have suffered facial injuries including a broken nose, but charges were not pressed after she maintained she had sustained the injuries in a fall.
On 15 July 2008, Hannibal and his wife were held for two days and charged with assaulting two of their staff in Geneva, Switzerland and then released on bail on 17 July.

Beyonce got paid $2 million dollars

Bad Press Damage Control killed this Beyonce story quickly
But we brought it back just before the grammies honor beyonce

Beyonce and Jay-Z
London, Jan 13 : Singing couple Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z have topped the list of Hollywood's highest-earning couples by pulling a combined $122 million.

Bad Press Damage Control killed this Beyonce story quickly, but not quick enough to infuriate NY families and people old enough to remember the lockerbie terrorist bombing of an airplane filled with Americans. New Yorkers will not forgive Beyonce for her insensitivity. 10021 NY socialites blog will also not forgive beyonce for this.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam (R) holds hands with freed Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al Megrahi, who claimed the celebration could have been much bigger.
(Gaddafi's son also defended the hero's welcome given to Megrahi on his return to Libya -- which triggered fury in Washington, London and Edinburgh -- saying Tripoli could have organized something much more high profile."There was no official celebration, no guards of honor, no fireworks and no parade. We could have arranged a much better reception," he said..

The original goal of this post, was for beyonce to give the money earned for her private performance for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam, to the victims families of the lockerbie terrorist bombing.

However, after learning of their already received compensation by Libya, to the tune of $10 million dollars for each victim, I had to rethink things. Lets compromise and say beyonce should apologize to the people of the USA and UK, and fire the person who made the private concert arrangements. Beyonce needs to return the money to the people of Libya

While we are talking about shaming the United States, Libya also has a CURRENT stake in the italian car manufacturer Fiat, whom Barack Obama made a part of Chrysler American Car company. (In January 2002, Gaddafi purchased a 7.5% share of Italian football club Juventus for USD 21 million, through Lafico ("Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company"). This followed a long-standing association with the Italian industrialist Gianni Agnelli and car manufacturer Fiat.)

Libya never confessed to its part in the the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 to New York, John F Kennedy Airport, but was forced to pay the passengers families, to resume relations with the USA.
The following is details of Libya's involvement with terrorism, victims names of the terrorist attack, and court documents from a terrorist convicted.

Libya must first accept its responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing, and pay compensation to the victims' families - two of the conditions for lifting the UN sanctions. Libyan assets have been frozen since January 1986, after the US was convinced that Libya was sponsoring international terrorism.
Beyonce performed for an hour on New Year's Eve at a party thrown by terror-backing Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy's son, Hannibal, who has a long record of violence against women.
Beyoncé performed five songs in a sexy black leotard at the Nikki Beach club on St. Barts in front of a crowd that included her husband Jay-Z, Usher and Lindsay Lohan.
We couldn't confirm how much Beyoncé was paid for the gig, but last year, Mariah Carey reportedly pocketed $1 million for performing at Nikki Beach.
Some vacationers on the island were aghast. DJ Sam Young tweeted: "Jigga [Jay-Z], Beyonce & Usher were @ Nikki Beach performing for Khadafy family, WTF?")
Just a week earlier, on Christmas Day, Hannibal, 33 -- also known as Moutassim -- allegedly attacked his wife, Aline Skaf, in his suite at Claridge's in London. Three of his security staff were arrested for obstructing police. Skaf was reportedly hospitalized with a broken nose while Hannibal was whisked away in a diplomatic car.
In July 2008, he and his then-pregnant wife were arrested on charges of beating their servants in a Geneva hotel. They denied the charges, which were dropped after the servants received compensation.
Hannibal was also arrested in 2005 in a Paris hotel for allegedly punching Skaf. He then allegedly brandished a 9mm handgun and went on a furniture-smashing rampage in his hotel suite. No charges were brought.
A year earlier, he led a police chase on the Champs Elysees, reaching speeds of 90 mph in his Porsche. No charges were brought after Libyan diplomats apologized. And in 2001, he allegedly attacked three Italian policemen with a fire extinguisher, but demanded diplomatic immunity.
Reps for Beyoncé and Nikki Beach did not return calls and e-mails.
NY Post and many other sources have the wrong brother. A statement was released later by Beyonce's camp, and it was for Muatsim Khadafy. I want to add that all the brothers were young when their father was associated with terrorism.
The brothers were never accused of any terrorism. When Muatsim got older he even tried to overthrow his father's goverment with the help of a US ally Egypt. Muatsim went back and started to change things internally to help the US and Libya restore normal diplomatic ties. Libya is now considered an ally, is helping the US fight terrorism, and many American and European corporations are doing business with Libya. Once the older Khadafy steps down, the US and Europe supports Muatsim taking over the Libyan government.
What kind of people are the Gaddafi family?
Gaddafi turned Libya into a haven for anti-Western radicals, where any group, supposedly, could receive weapons and financial assistance, provided they claimed to be fighting imperialism.
Gaddafi also became a strong supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which support ultimately harmed Libya's relations with Egypt, when in 1979 Egypt pursued a peace agreement with Israel. As Libya's relations with Egypt worsened, Gaddafi sought closer relations with the Soviet Union. Libya became the first country outside the Soviet bloc to receive the supersonic MiG-25 combat fighters, but Soviet-Libyan relations remained relatively distant. Gaddafi also sought to increase Libyan influence, especially in states with an Islamic population, by calling for the creation of a Saharan Islamic state and supporting anti-government forces in sub-Saharan Africa.
Throughout the 1970s, his regime was implicated in subversion and terrorist activities in both Arab and non-Arab countries. By the mid-1980s, he was widely regarded in the West as the principal financier of international terrorism. Reportedly, Gaddafi was a major financier of the "Black September Movement" which perpetrated the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics, and was accused by the United States of being responsible for direct control of the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing that killed three people and wounded more than 200, of whom a substantial number were U.S. servicemen. He is also said to have paid "Carlos the Jackal" to kidnap and then release a number of Saudi Arabian and Iranian oil ministers.[citation needed]
Tensions between Libya and the West reached a peak during the Ronald Reagan administration, which tried to overthrow Gaddafi. The Reagan administration viewed Libya as a belligerent rogue state because of its uncompromising stance on Palestinian independence, its support for revolutionary Iran in the 1980–1988 war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq (see Iran–Iraq War), and its backing of "liberation movements" in the developing world. Reagan himself dubbed Gaddafi the "mad dog of the Middle East". In December 1981, the US State Department invalidated US passports for travel to Libya, and in March 1982, the U.S. declared a ban on the import of Libyan oil[9] and the export to Libya of U.S. oil industry technology; European nations did not follow suit. Libya has also been a supporter of the Polisario Front in their fight against Spanish colonialism and Moroccan military occupation.
In 1984, British police constable Yvonne Fletcher was shot outside the Libyan Embassy in London while policing an anti-Gaddafi demonstration. A burst of machine-gun fire from within the building was suspected of killing her, but Libyan diplomats asserted their diplomatic immunity and were repatriated. The incident led to the breaking off of diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and Libya for over a decade.[citation needed]
The U.S. attacked Libyan patrol boats from January to March 1986 during clashes over access to the Gulf of Sidra, which Libya claimed as territorial waters. On 15 April 1986, Ronald Reagan ordered major bombing raids, dubbed Operation El Dorado Canyon, against Tripoli and Benghazi killing 45 Libyan military and government personnel as well as 15 civilians.[1] This strike followed U.S. interception of telex messages from Libya's East Berlin embassy suggesting Libyan government involvement in a bomb explosion on 5 April in West Berlin's La Belle discothèque, a nightclub frequented by U.S. servicemen. Among the alleged fatalities of the 15 April retaliatory attack by the U.S. was Gaddafi's adopted daughter, Hannah. Libya responded by firing two Scud missiles at the U.S. Coast Guard navigation station on the Italian island of Lampedusa, in retaliation for the bombing. The missiles landed in the sea, and caused no damage.[citation needed]
In late 1987, a merchant vessel, the MV Eksund, was intercepted. Destined for the IRA, a large consignment of arms and explosives supplied by Libya was recovered from the Eksund. British intelligence believed this was not the first and that Libyan arms shipments had previously reached the IRA. (See Provisional IRA arms importation.)
For most of the 1990s, Libya endured economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation as a result of Gaddafi's refusal to allow the extradition to the United States or Britain of two Libyans accused of planting a bomb on Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland. Through the intercession of South African President Nelson Mandela – who made a high-profile visit to Gaddafi in 1997 – and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Gaddafi agreed in 1999 to a compromise that involved handing over the defendants to the Netherlands for trial under Scottish law.:[10] U.N. sanctions were thereupon suspended, but U.S. sanctions against Libya remained in force.
An alleged plot by Britain's secret intelligence service to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi, when rebels attacked Gaddafi's motorcade near the city of Sirte in February 1996, was described as "pure fantasy" by former foreign secretary Robin Cook, although the FCO later admitted: "We have never denied that we knew of plots against Gaddafi."[11]
In August 2003, two years after Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi's conviction, Libya wrote to the United Nations formally accepting 'responsibility for the actions of its officials' in respect of the Lockerbie bombing and agreed to pay compensation of up to US$2.7 billion – or up to US$10 million each – to the families of the 270 victims. The same month, Britain and Bulgaria co-sponsored a U.N. resolution which removed the suspended sanctions. (Bulgaria's involvement in tabling this motion led to suggestions that there was a link with the HIV trial in Libya in which 5 Bulgarian nurses, working at a Benghazi hospital, were accused of infecting 426 Libyan children with HIV.)[12] Forty percent of the compensation was then paid to each family, and a further 40% followed once U.S. sanctions were removed. Because the U.S. refused to take Libya off its list of state sponsors of terrorism, Libya retained the last 20% ($540 million) of the $2.7 billion compensation package. In October 2008 Libya paid $1.5 billion into a fund which will be used to compensate relatives of the
Lockerbie bombing victims with the remaining 20%;
American victims of the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing;
American victims of the 1989 UTA Flight 772 bombing; and,
Libyan victims of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.
As a result, President Bush signed an executive order restoring the Libyan government's immunity from terror-related lawsuits and dismissing all of the pending compensation cases in the US, the White House said.[13]
On 28 June 2007, Megrahi was granted the right to a second appeal against the Lockerbie bombing conviction.[14] One month later, the Bulgarian medics were released from jail in Libya. They returned home to Bulgaria and were pardoned by Bulgarian president, Georgi Parvanov.
Gaddafi's 2009 welcome to the return of convicted Lockerbie bomber Megrahi, who was released from prison on compassionate grounds, attracted criticism from Western leaders[15][16][17] and has disrupted his first-ever visit to the United States to attend a UN General Session. Gaddafi often resides in a tent when travelling[18], but plans to erect a tent in Central Park and on Libyan government property in Englewood, New Jersey during Gaddafi's stay at the UN were both protested by community leaders and subsequently cancelled by Gaddafi.[19][20][21] His tent finally found a home on an estate belonging to Donald Trump in Bedford.[22]
September 23, 2009 marked Gaddafi's first appearance at the United Nations General Assembly where he addressed world leaders at the annual gathering in New York. The Libyan leader while demanding representation for the African Union, used the occasion to scold the United Nations structure saying the 15-member body practised “security feudalism” for those who had a protected seat.[23] The Libyan leader's appearance at the United Nations generated demonstrations both for and against Gaddafi.[24]
Following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by US forces in 2003, Gaddafi announced that his nation had an active weapons of mass destruction program, but was willing to allow international inspectors into his country to observe and dismantle them. US President George W. Bush and other supporters of the Iraq War portrayed Gaddafi's announcement as a direct consequence of the Iraq War by stating that Gaddafi acted out of fear for the future of his own regime if he continued to keep and conceal his weapons. Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi, a supporter of the Iraq War, was quoted as saying that Gaddafi had privately phoned him, admitting as much. Many foreign policy experts, however, contend that Gaddafi's announcement was merely a continuation of his prior attempts at normalizing relations with the West and getting the sanctions removed. To support this, they point to the fact that Libya had already made similar offers starting four years prior to it finally being accepted.[25][26] International inspectors turned up several tons of chemical weaponry in Libya, as well as an active nuclear weapons program. As the process of destroying these weapons continued, Libya improved its cooperation with international monitoring regimes to the extent that, by March 2006, France was able to conclude an agreement with Libya to develop a significant nuclear power program.
In September 2009, at a South America-Africa summit on Isla Margarita in Venezuela, Colonel Gaddafi joined the host, Hugo Chávez, in calling for an "anti-imperialist" front across Africa and Latin America. Gaddafi proposed the establishment of a South Atlantic Treaty Organization to rival NATO, saying: "The world’s powers want to continue to hold on to their power. Now we have to fight to build our own power."[54]
In October 1993, there was an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Gaddafi by elements of the Libyan army. On 14 July 1996, bloody riots followed a football match in Tripoli organised by Gaddafi's son, as a protest against Gaddafi.
Gaddafi has eight children, seven of them sons.[65] His eldest son, Muhammad al-Gaddafi, was born to a wife now in disfavour, but runs the Libyan Olympic Committee. The next eldest son by his second wife is Saif al-Islam Muammar Al-Gaddafi, who was born in 1972 and is an architect. He runs a charity (GIFCA) which has been involved in negotiating freedom for hostages taken by Islamic militants, especially in the Philippines. In 2006, after sharply criticizing his father's regime, Saif Al Islam briefly left Libya, reportedly to take on a position in banking outside of the country. He returned to Libya soon after, launching an environment-friendly initiative to teach children how they can help clean up parts of Libya. He is involved in compensation negotiations with Italy and the United States. The third eldest, Saadi Gaddafi, is married to the daughter of a military commander. Saadi runs the Libyan Football Federation and signed for various professional teams including Italian Serie A team U.C. Sampdoria, although without appearing in first team games.
Gaddafi's fourth son, Moatessem-Billah Gaddafi, was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Libyan army.[66] He fled to Egypt after allegedly masterminding an Egyptian backed coup attempt against his father. Gaddafi forgave Moatessem and he returned to Libya where he now holds the post of national security adviser and heads his own unit within the army. Saif Al Islam and Moatessem-Billah are both seen as possible successors to their father.
The fifth eldest, Motassim Bilal (Hannibal) Gaddafi[67], once worked for General National Maritime Transport Company, a company that specializes in Libyan oil exports. He is most notable for being involved in a series of violent incidents throughout Europe. In 2001, Hannibal attacked three Italian policemen with a fire extinguisher; in September 2004, he was briefly detained in Paris after driving a Porsche at 90 mph in the wrong direction and through red lights down the Champs-Élysées while intoxicated; and in 2005, Hannibal in Paris allegedly beat model and then girlfriend Alin Skaf, who later filed an assault suit against him.[68] He was fined and given a four month suspended prison sentence after this incident. In December 2009 police were called to Claridges Hotel in London after staff heard a scream from Hannibal's room. Aline Skaf, now his wife, was found to have suffered facial injuries including a broken nose, but charges were not pressed after she maintained she had sustained the injuries in a fall[69].
On 15 July 2008, Hannibal and his wife were held for two days and charged with assaulting two of their staff in Geneva, Switzerland and then released on bail on 17 July. The government of Libya subsequently put a boycott on Swiss imports, reduced flights between Libya and Switzerland, stopped issuing visas to Swiss citizens, recalled diplomats from Bern, and forced all Swiss companies such as ABB and Nestlé to close offices. General National Maritime Transport Company, which owns a large refinery in Switzerland, also halted oil shipments to Switzerland.[70] Two Swiss businessmen who were in Libya at the time have, ever since, been denied permission to leave the country, and even held hostage for some time.[71] (see Switzerland-Libya conflict).
At the 35th G8 summit in July 2009, Gaddafi called Switzerland a "world mafia" and called for the country to be split between France, Germany and Italy.[72]
Gaddafi's two youngest sons are Saif Al Arab and Khamis, who is a police officer in Libya.
Gaddafi's only daughter is Ayesha al-Gaddafi, a lawyer who had joined the defense team of executed former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. She married a cousin of her father in 2006.
His adopted daughter, Hanna, was killed in the April 1986 United States bombing of Libya. At a "concert for peace", held on 15 April 2006 in Tripoli to mark the 20th anniversary of the bombing raid, U.S. singer Lionel Richie told the audience:
"Hanna will be honoured tonight because of the fact that you've attached peace to her name."[73]
In January 2002, Gaddafi purchased a 7.5% share of Italian football club Juventus for USD 21 million, through Lafico ("Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company"). This followed a long-standing association with the Italian industrialist Gianni Agnelli and car manufacturer Fiat.[74]
Gaddafi holds an honorary degree from Megatrend University in Belgrade conferred on him by former Yugoslav President Zoran Lilić.[75]
"Muammar Gaddafi" is the spelling used by Time magazine, BBC News, the majority of the British press and by the English service of Al-Jazeera.[87] The Associated Press, CNN, and Fox News use "Moammar Gadhafi". The Edinburgh Middle East Report uses "Mu'ammar Qaddafi" and the U.S. Department of State uses "Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi". The Xinhua News Agency uses "Muammar Khaddafi" in its English reports.[8
A host of murderous leaders were sponsored by Col Gaddafi, notably Charles Taylor, the Liberian despot, and Foday Sankoh, the psychotic commander of the rebels who laid waste to Sierra Leone.
Col Gaddafi also served as paymaster and arms dealer to the IRA, while helping out a host of extremists on the fringe of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. All this made him a crucial enemy of the West, causing President Ronald Reagan to label him a "mad dog" and order American bombers to strike Tripoli in 1986.
Two years later, Pan Am flight 103 was destroyed above Lockerbie. Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, a Libyan intelligence agent, was later convicted for planting the bomb on the Boeing 747, while Col Gaddafi's regime formally accepted responsibility for this attack and paid compensation to the families of those who died.
ACT OF remembrance: roll call of the 270 people from 21 nations who died in the Lockerbie bombing.
Lockerbie residents: Kathleen Mary Flannigan, Thomas Brown Flannigan, Joanne Flannigan, Dora Henrietta Henry, Maurice Peter Henry, Mary Lancaster, Jean Aitken Murray, John Somerville, Rosaleen Hannay Somerville, Paul Somerville and Lynsey Anne Somerville.
Syracuse University students: Steven Russell Berrell, Kenneth John Bissett, Stephen John Boland, Nicole Elise Boulanger, Timothy Michael Cardwell, Theodora Eugenia Cohen, Eric Michael Coker, Jason Michael Coker, Gary Leonard Colasanti, Scott Marsh Cory, Gretchen Joyce Dater, Shannon Davis, Turhan Michael Ergin, John Patrick Flynn, Pamela Elaine Herbert, Karen Lee Hunt, Christopher Andrew Jones, Julianne Frances Kelly, Wendy Anne Lincoln, Alexander Lowenstein, Suzanne Marie Miazga, Richard Paul Monetti, Anne Lindsey Otenasek, Peter Raymond Peirce, Sarah Susannah Buchanan Philipps, Frederick Sandy Phillips, Louise Ann Rogers, Thomas Britton Schultz, Amy Elizabeth Shapiro, Cynthia Joan Smith, Mark Lawrence Tobin, Alexia Kathryn Tsairis, Nicholas Andreas Vrenios, Kesha Weedon and Miriam Luby Wolfe.
Other passengers: John Michael Gerard Ahern, Sarah Margaret Aicher, John David Akerstrom, Ronald Ely, Alexander, Thomas Joseph Ammerman, Martin Lewis Apfelbaum, Rachel Marie Asrelsky, William Garretson Atkinson III, Judith E. Bernstein Atkinson, Clare Louise Bacciochi, Harry Michael Bainbridge, Stuart Murray Barclay, Jean Mary Bell, Julian MacBain Benello, Lawrence Ray Bennett, Philip Vernon Bergstrom, Alistair David Berkley, Michael Stuart Bernstein, Surinder Mohan Bhatia, Diane Anne Boatman-Fuller, Glen John Bouckley, Paula Marie Bouckley, Francis Boyer, Nicholas Bright, Daniel Solomon Browner (Beer), Colleen Renee Brunner, Timothy Guy Burman, Michael Warren Buser, Warren Max Buser.
Steven Lee Butler, William Martin Cadman, Fabiana Caffarone, Hernan Caffarone, Valerie Canady, Gregory Capasso, Bernt Wilmar Carlsson, Richard Anthony Cawley, Frank Ciulla, Bridget Concannon, Sean Concannon, Thomas Concannon, Tracey Jane Corner, Willis Larry Coursey, Patricia Mary Coyle, John Binning Cummock, Joseph Patrick Curry, William Allen Daniels, Gabriel Della Ripa, Joyce Christine Di Mauro, Gianfranca Di Nardo, Peter Thomas Stanley Dix, Om Dixit, Shanti Dixit, David Scott Dornstein, Michael Joseph Doyle, Edgar Howard Eggleston III, Charles Thomas Fisher IV.
Clayton Lee Flick, Arthur Fondiler, Robert Joseph Fortune, Paul Stephen Matthew Freeman, James Ralph Fuller, Ibolya Gabor, Amy Beth Gallagher, Matthew Kevin Gannon, Kenneth Raymond Garczynski, Kenneth James Gibson, William David Giebler Jr, Andrew Christopher Gillies-Wright, Olive Leonora Gordon, Linda Susan Gordon-Gorgacz, Anne Madelene Gorgacz, Loretta Anne Gorgacz.
David Jay Gould, Andre Nikolai Guevorgian, Nicola Jane Hall, Lorraine Frances Buser Halsch, Lynne Carol Hartunian, Anthony Lacey Hawkins, Rodney Peter Hilbert, Alfred Hill, Katherine Augusta Hollister, Josephine Lisa Hudson, Melina Kristina Hudson, Sophie Ailette Miriam Hudson, Roger Elwood Hurst, Elizabeth Sophie Ivell, Khalid Nazir Jaafar, Robert Van Houten Jeck, Paul Avron Jeffreys.
Rachel Mary Elisabeth Jeffreys, Kathleen Mary Jermyn, Beth Ann Johnson, Mary Alice Lincoln Johnson, Timothy Baron Johnson, Jay Joseph Kingham, Patricia Ann Klein, Gregory Kosmowski, Minas Christopher Kulukundis, Ronald Albert Lariviere, Robert Milton Leckburg Jr.
William Chase Leyrer, Lloyd David Ludlow, Maria Theresia Lurbke, William Edward Mack, Douglas Eugene Malicote, Wendy Gay Forsythe Malicote, Elizabeth Lillian Marek, Louis Anthony Marengo, Noel George Martin, Diane Marie Maslowski, William John McAllister, Daniel Emmet McCarthy, Robert Eugene McCollum, Charles Dennis McKee.
Bernard Joseph McLaughlin, Jane Susan Melber, John Merrill, Joseph Kenneth Miller, Jewel Courtney Mitchell, Jane Ann Morgan, Eva Ingeborg Morson, Helga Rachael Mosey, Ingrid Elizabeth Mulroy, John Mulroy, Sean Kevin Mulroy, Karen Elizabeth Noonan, Daniel Emmett O’Connor, Mary Denice O’Neil, Bryony Elise Owen, Gwyneth Yvonne Margaret Owen, Laura Abigail Owens, Martha Owens, Robert Plack Owens, Sarah Rebecca Owens, Robert Italo Pagnucco, Christos Michael Papadopoulos, Michael Pescatore, James Andrew Campbell Pitt.
David J. Platt, Walter Leonard Porter, Pamela Lynn Posen, William Pugh, Estrella Crisostomo Quiguvan, Rajesh Tarsis Priskel Ramses, Anmol Rattan, Garima Rattan, Suruchi Rattan, Anita Lynn Reeves, Mark Alan Rein, Diane Marie Rencevicz, Edina Roller, Janos Gabor Roller, Zsuzsana Pisa’k Roller, Hanne-Maria Maijala Root, Saul Mark Rosen, Andrea Victoria Rosenthal, Daniel Peter Rosenthal.
Arnaud David Rubin, Elyse Jeanne Saraceni, Scott Christopher Saunders, Theresa Elizabeth Jane Saunders, Johannes Otto Schauble, Robert Thomas Schlageter, Sally Elizabeth Scott, Mridula Shastri, Joan Sheanshang, Irving Stanley Sigal, Martin Bernard Christopher Simpson, Ingrid Anita Smith, James Alvin Smith, Mary Edna Smith, Geraldine Anne Stevenson, Hannah Louise Stevenson, John Charles Stevenson, Rachel Helen Stevenson, Charlotte Ann Stinnett, Michael Gary Stinnett, Stacey Leanne Stinnett, James Ralph Stow, Elia G. Stratis, Anthony Selwyn Swan, Flora MacDonald Margaret Swire.
Marc Alex Tager, Hidekazu Tanaka, Andrew Alexander Teran, Arva Anthony Thomas, Jonathan Ryan Thomas, Lawanda Thomas, David William Trimmer-Smith, Barry Joseph Valentino, Tomas Floro van Tienhoven, Asaad Eidi Vejdany, Peter Petrisor Vulcu, Janina Jozefa Waido.
Thomas Edwin Walker, Jerome Lee Weston, Jonathan White, Bonnie Leigh Rafferty Williams, Brittany Leigh Williams, Eric Jon Williams, George Waterson Williams, Stephanie Leigh Williams, Chelsea Marie Woods, Dedera Lynn Woods, Joe Nathan Woods, Joe Nathan Woods Jr, Mark James Zwynenburg.
Pan Am 103 crew: Elizabeth Clement-Avonye, Jerry Don Avritt, Noelle Lydie Campbell Berti, Siv Ulla Engstrom, Stacie Denise Franklin, Paul Isaac Garrett, Elke Etha Kuehne.
Maria Nieves de Larracoechea, Captain James Bruce MacQuarrie (pilot), Lilibeth Tobila McAlolooy, Mary Geraldine Murphy, Jocelyn Reina, Myra Josephine Royal, Irja Synnove Skabo, Milutin Velimirovich and Raymond Ronald Wagner.
Al-Megrahi, 57, was convicted in 2001 of taking part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 on Dec. 21, 1988. The airliner -- which was carrying mostly American passengers to New York -- blew up as it flew over Scotland. All 259 people aboard and 11 more on the ground died when the aircraft crashed into the Scottish town of Lockerbie.
Abdel Baset Al-Megrahi, the Libyan terrorist convicted of planting the bomb that brought down Pan Am Flight 103 which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988, was released today from a prison in Scotland after serving just eight years of a life sentence. Al-Megrahi was convicted in 2001 for the murder of 270 people, 189 of which were from the United States.
On December 22 1988, Pan Am flight 103 took off from London's Heathrow airport, headed for New York with 259 passengers on board. Approximately 38 minutes into the flight, the plane exploded at 31,000 feet over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all the passengers as well as 11 people on the ground. Al-Megrahi served only 8 years of a life sentence which is equivalent to 11.5 days for each of his victims.
Before Sept. 11, the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland in 1988 was the symbol of terrorist brutality.
ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI, born 1 April 1952 and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH, born 1956, Prisoners in the Prison of Zeist, Camp Zeist (Kamp van Zeist), The Netherlands:
You are Indicted at the instance of The Right Honourable THE LORD HARDIE, Her Majesty's Advocate, and the charges against you are that:
(1) between 1 January 1985 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive
at the premises occupied by you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and by the Libyan Intelligence Services, in Tripoli, Libya
at a special forces training area, Sabha, Libya
at the premises occupied by the firm MEBO AG
at the Novapark Hotel, Zurich, Switzerland
at Frankfurt am Main Airport, Federal Republic of Germany
at the Holiday Inn, Tigne Street, Sliema
at the Libyan People's Bureau, Tower Road, Sliema and Notabile Road, Balzan
at the Libyan Cultural Centre, Tower Road, Sliema, all in Malta
at the house occupied by you AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH at 3 St John's Flats, Spring Street, Mosta, Malta
at Luqa Airport, Malta and at the Libyan People's Bureau, East Berlin, German Democratic Republic, in Prague, Czechoslovakia and elsewhere in Libya, Malta, Switzerland, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere to the Prosecutor unknown
Being members of the Libyan Intelligence Services, and in particular being respectively the head of security of Libyan Arab Airlines and thereafter Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies, Tripoli, Libya and the Station Manager of Libyan Arab Airlines in Malta ...
You did conspire together and with others to further the purposes of the Libyan Intelligence Services by criminal means, namely the use of explosive devices in the commission of acts of terrorism directed against nationals and the interests of other countries and in particular the destruction of a civil passenger aircraft and murder of its occupants ...
And, in pursuance of said conspiracy, while acting in concert together and with others:
(a) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 1 January 1985 and 31 December 1985, both dates inclusive, through the hands of Said Rashid and Ezzadin Hinshiri, both also being members of the said Libyan Intelligence Services, and others at the said premises occupied by MEBO AG, in Zurich, aforesaid, at the said premises of said Libyan Intelligence Services, in Tripoli, aforesaid, at the said Libyan People's Bureau, East Berlin aforesaid and elsewhere to the Prosecutor unknown ...
Order, cause to be manufactured and obtain from the said firm of MEBO AG twenty electronic timers capable of detonating explosive devices;
(b) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 1 January 1985 and 30 June 1987 both dates inclusive at the said special forces training area at Sabha, Libya or elsewhere in Libya cause the effectiveness of such timers to be tested in conjunction with explosives under the supervision of Nassr Ashur, a member of the said Libyan Intelligence Services;
(c) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 1 January 1985 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, within the offices of Libyan Arab Airlines at Luqa Airport, Malta, at the said Libyan Cultural Centre, Sliema aforesaid, the said premises occupied by the said Libyan People's Bureau, Malta, aforesaid, in an area of ground near Ghallis Tower, Malta and elsewhere in Malta have in your possession and under your control quantities of high performance plastic explosive and airline luggage tags;
(d) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did between 31 July 1987 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, within the said premises occupied by MEBO AG, in Zurich aforesaid establish and maintain along with Badri Hassan, also a member of the Libyan Intelligence Services, a pretended business under the name ABH as a cover for the operations of said Libyan Intelligence Services;
(e) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 22 August 1987 travel from Zurich, Switzerland to Malta, enter Malta and reside at the Holiday Inn, Sliema, aforesaid and on 23 August 1987 depart from Malta and travel from there to Tripoli, Libya using a passport in the false name and using the false identity of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad, all while travelling along with the said Nassr Ashur, who was then using a passport in the false name and using the false identity of Nassr Ahmed Salem;
(f) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 18 October 1987 travel from Tripoli, Libya to Malta and enter Malta and reside between 18 and 20 October 1987, both dates inclusive, at the Holiday Inn, Sliema, aforesaid and on 22 October 1987 depart from Malta and travel from there to Tripoli, Libya using a passport in the false name and using the false identity of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad;
(g) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 1 September 1988 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, at Eucharistic Congress Road, Mosta, Malta and elsewhere in Malta and in Prague, Czechoslovakia take steps with others to establish and maintain pretended businesses to be known as and under the name of Med Tours or Medtours Services Limited and as and under the name of Al Khadra Company or Al Khadra Medtours Services respectively as cover for the operations of said Libyan Intelligence Services;
(h) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did between 8 and 10 October 1988, both dates inclusive, at the premises occupied by Libyan Arab Airlines at Luqa Airport and Valletta, Malta and elsewhere in Malta attempt along with Mohammed Abouagela Masud, also a member of the said Libyan Intelligence Services, and others to the Prosecutor unknown, to travel to Ndjamena, Chad for the purpose of carrying out an operation on behalf of the said Libyan Intelligence Services;
(i) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did on 10 and 11 November 1988 cause the said Nassr Ashur to travel from Tripoli, Libya to Malta on 10 November 1988 and from Luqa Airport aforesaid to Frankfurt am Main Airport aforesaid on 11 November 1988 on Air Malta flight KM 2180 using a passport in the false name and using the false identity of Nassr Ahmed Salem;
(j) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 20 November and 20 December 1988, both dates inclusive, at the said premises occupied by MEBO AG, in Zurich aforesaid, at the said premises occupied by you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and by the said Libyan Intelligence Services, in Tripoli aforesaid, and elsewhere in Switzerland and Libya, through the hands of the said Ezzadin Hinshiri and Badri Hassan, order and attempt to obtain delivery of 40 further such timers from the said firm of MEBO AG;
(k) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 1 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, at Luqa Airport, Malta without authority remove therefrom airline luggage tags;
(l) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 7 December 1988 in the shop premises known as Mary's House at Tower Road, Sliema, Malta purchase a quantity of clothing and an umbrella;
(m) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did on 20 December 1988 at Luqa Airport, Malta enter Malta while you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI were using a passport in the false name of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad and you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did there and then cause a suitcase to be introduced to Malta;
(n) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 20 and 21 December 1988 reside at the Holiday Inn, Sliema, aforesaid under the false identity of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad;
(o) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did on 21 December 1988 at Luqa Airport, aforesaid place or cause to be placed on board an aircraft of Air Malta flight KM180 to Frankfurt am Main Airport, Federal Republic of Germany said suitcase, or a similar suitcase, containing said clothing and umbrella and an improvised explosive device containing high performance plastic explosive concealed within a Toshiba RT SF 16 "Bombeat" radio cassette recorder and programmed to be detonated by one of said electronic timers, having tagged or caused such suitcase to be tagged so as to be carried by aircraft from Frankfurt am Main Airport aforesaid via London, Heathrow Airport to New York, John F Kennedy Airport, United States of America; and
(p) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 21 December 1988 depart from Malta and travel from there to Tripoli, Libya using a passport in the false name of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad, while travelling with said Mohammed Abouagela Masud;
and such suitcase was thus carried to Frankfurt am Main Airport aforesaid and there placed on board an aircraft of Pan American World Airways flight PA103 and carried to London, Heathrow Airport aforesaid and there, in turn, placed on board an aircraft of Pan American World Airways flight PA103 to New York, John F Kennedy Airport aforesaid;
and said improvised explosive device detonated and exploded on board said aircraft flight PA103 while in flight near to Lockerbie, Scotland whereby the aircraft was destroyed and the wreckage crashed to the ground and the 259 passengers and crew named in Schedule 1 hereof and the 11 residents of Lockerbie aforesaid named in Schedule 2 hereof were killed and you did murder them;
and it will be shown that between 1 January 1985 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, in Tripoli, Libya, at Dakar Airport, Senegal, in Malta and elsewhere the said Libyan Intelligence Services were in possession of said electronic timers, quantities of high performance plastic explosive, detonators and other components of improvised explosive devices and Toshiba RT SF 16 "Bombeat" radio cassette recorders, all for issue to and use by their members, including Mohammed El Marzouk and Mansour Omran Ammar Saber.
(2) being members of said Libyan Intelligence Services as above libelled and having, while acting in concert with others, formed a criminal purpose to destroy a civil passenger aircraft and murder the occupants in furtherance of the purposes of said Libyan Intelligence Services and having obtained possession of and tested the effectiveness of electronic timers and being in possession of and having under your control quantities of high performance plastic explosive and airline luggage tags and having established and maintained and taken steps to establish and maintain pretended businesses all as above libelled, while acting in concert together and with others ...
(a) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did on 10 and 11 November 1988 cause the said Nassr Ashur, to travel from Tripoli, Libya to Malta on 10 November 1988 and from Luqa Airport aforesaid to Frankfurt am Main Airport aforesaid on 11 November 1988 on Air Malta flight KM 2180 using a passport in the false name and using the false identity of Nassr Ahmed Salem;
(b) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 20 November and 20 December 1988, both dates inclusive, at the said premises occupied by MEBO AG, in Zurich aforesaid, at the said premises occupied by you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and by the said Libyan Intelligence Services, in Tripoli aforesaid, and elsewhere in Switzerland and Libya, through the hands of the said Ezzadin Hinshiri and Badri Hassan, order and attempt to obtain delivery of forty further such timers from the said firm of MEBO AG;
(c) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did between 1 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, at Luqa Airport, Malta without authority remove therefrom airline luggage tags;
(d) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 7 December 1988 in the shop premises known as Mary's House at Tower Road, Sliema, Malta purchase a quantity of clothing and an umbrella;
(e) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did on 20 December 1988 at Luqa Airport, Malta enter Malta while you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI were using a passport in the false name of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad and you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did there and then cause a suitcase to be introduced to Malta;
(f) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 20 and 21 December 1988 reside at the Holiday Inn, Sliema, aforesaid using the false identity of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad;
(g) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH did on 21 December 1988 at Luqa Airport, aforesaid place or cause to be placed on board an aircraft of Air Malta flight KM180 to Frankfurt am Main Airport, Federal Republic of Germany said suitcase, or a similar suitcase, containing said clothing and umbrella and an improvised explosive device containing high performance plastic explosive concealed within a Toshiba RT SF 16 "Bombeat" radio cassette recorder and programmed to be detonated by one of said electronic timers, having tagged or caused such suitcase to be tagged so as to be carried by aircraft from Frankfurt am Main Airport aforesaid via London, Heathrow Airport to New York, John F Kennedy Airport, United States of America; and
(h) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI did on 21 December 1988 depart from Malta to Tripoli and travel from there to Libya using a passport in the false name of Ahmed Khalifa Abdusamad, while travelling with said Mohammed Abouagela Masud;
and such suitcase was thus carried to Frankfurt am Main Airport aforesaid and there placed on board an aircraft of Pan American World Airways flight PA103 and carried to London, Heathrow Airport aforesaid and there, in turn, placed on board an aircraft of Pan American World Airways flight PA103 to New York, John F Kennedy Airport aforesaid;
and said improvised explosive device detonated and exploded on board said aircraft flight PA103 while in flight near to Lockerbie, Scotland whereby the aircraft was destroyed and the wreckage crashed to the ground and the 259 passengers and crew named in Schedule 1 hereof and the 11 residents of Lockerbie aforesaid named in Schedule 2 hereof were killed and you did murder them;
and it will be shown that between 1 January 1985 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, in Tripoli, Libya, at Dakar Airport, Senegal, in Malta and elsewhere the said Libyan Intelligence Services were in possession of said electronic timers, quantities of high performance plastic explosive, detonators and other components of improvised explosive devices and Toshiba RT SF 16 "Bombeat" radio cassette recorders, all for issue to and use by their members, including Mohammed El Marzouk and Mansour Omran Ammar Saber.
(3) you ABDELBASET ALI MOHMED AL MEGRAHI and AL AMIN KHALIFA FHIMAH being members of said Libyan Intelligence Services and having, while acting in concert with others, formed a criminal purpose to destroy a civil passenger aircraft and murder the occupants and having obtained possession of and tested the effectiveness of electronic timers and being in possession of and having under your control quantities of high performance plastic explosive and airport luggage tags, and having established and maintained and taken steps to establish and maintain pretended businesses all as above libelled, did on and between the dates and at the places in charge 2 above libelled, by the means there libelled, unlawfully and intentionally destroy said aircraft in service and commit on board said aircraft in flight acts of violence which were likely to and did endanger the safety of said aircraft, in respect that you did murder said persons:
and it will be shown that between 1 January 1985 and 21 December 1988, both dates inclusive, in Tripoli, Libya, at Dakar Airport, Senegal, in Malta and elsewhere the said Libyan Intelligence Services were in possession of said electronic timers, quantities of high performance plastic explosive, detonators and other components of improvised explosive devices and Toshiba RT SF 16 "Bombeat" radio cassette recorders, all for issue to and use by their members, including Mohammed El Marzouk and Mansour Omran Ammar Saber.
CONTRARY to the Aviation Security Act 1982, Section 2(1) and
1.John Michael Gerard Ahern, 127 Sherman Avenue, Rockville Centre, New York 11570, United States of America
2.Sarah Margaret Aicher, 30E Stanhope Gardens, London
3.John David Akerstrom, 6822 Ryan Road, Medina, Ohio 44256, United States of America
4.Ronald Ely Alexander, 425 East 58th Street, New York, New York 10022, United States of America
5.Thomas Joseph Ammerman, 2 Forrest Avenue, Old Tappan, New Jersey 07676, United States of America
6.Martin Lewis Apfelbaum, 2505 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, United States of America
7.Rachel Marie Asrelsky, 605 Water Street, New York, New York 10002, United States of America
8.Judith Ellen Bernstein or Atkinson, Flat 3, 32 Cranley Gardens, South Kensington, London
9.William Garretson Atkinson III, Flat 3, 32 Cranley Gardens, South Kensington, London
10.Elisabeth Nicole Marie Avoyne, 2 Avenue Francois Patrocle, 78290 Croissy Sur Seine, France
11.Jerry Don Avritt, 14031 Bexley Street, Westminster, California 92683, United States of America
12.Clare Louise Bacciochi, aged 19 years, 21 Hillside, Kingsbury, Tamworth, Warwickshire
13.Harry Michael Bainbridge, 9 Marisa Court, Montrose, New York 10548, United States of America
14.Stuart Murray Barclay, Honey Hill Farm, Barnard, Vermont 05031, United States of America
15.Jean Mary Crispin or Bell, The Silver Suite, Mellor House, Charles Street, Windsor, Berkshire
16.Julian MacBain Benello, 143 Longwood Avenue, Apartment 4, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146, United States of America
17.Lawrence Ray Bennett, 2828 McKinley Street, Chelsea, Michigan 48118, United States of America
18.Philip Vernon Bergstrom, 400 South Lake Street, Apartment 9, CMA Forest Lake, Minnesota 55025, United States of America
19.Alistair David Berkley, 30 Sutton Square, London
20.Michael Stuart Bernstein, 6012 Cairn Terrace, Bethesda, Maryland 20817, United States of America
21.Steven Russell Berrell, aged 20 years, 1216 South Ninth Street, Fargo, North Dakota 58103, United States of America
22.Noelle Lydie Berti, 1 Rue D'Armenomville, Paris, France 754017
23.Surinder Mohan Bhatia, 810 Camino Real Road, 202 Redondo Beach, Los Angeles, California 90277, United States of America
24.Kenneth John Bissett, 120 East Hartsdale Avenue, Apartment 1K, Hartsdale, New York 10530, United States of America
25.Diane Ann Boatman-Fuller, 58 Swinburn Court, Blanchedowne Road, Denmark Hill, London
26.Stephen John Boland, aged 20 years, 4 Century Road, Nashua, New Hampshire 03060, United States of America
27.Glenn John Bouckley, 7300 Cedarpost Road, Apartment C1, Liverpool, New York 13088, United States of America
28.Paula Marie Alderman or Bouckley, 7300 Cedarpost Road, Apartment C1, Liverpool, New York 13088, United States of America
29.Nicole Elise Boulanger, 46 Worthington Avenue, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545, United States of America
30.Francis Boyer, 4 Place De L'Eperon, Lotissement, Auzeville, Toulosane 31320, France
31.Nicholas Bright, 7 Beals Street, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146, United States of America
32.Daniel Solomon Browner (Beer), Kibbutz, Parod, Northern Israel
33.Colleen Renee Brunner, aged 20 years, 7164 Parkside Drive, Hamburg, New York 14075, United States of America
34.Timothy Guy Burman, 49A Hotham Road, London
35.Michael Warren Buser, 99 Teaneck Road, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey 07660, United States of America
36.Warren Max Buser, 169 Hillman Avenue, Glenrock, New Jersey 07452, United States of America
37.Steven Lee Butler, 1141 South Clarkson Street, Denver, Colorado 80210, United States of America
38.William Martin Cadman, 13 Surrendale Place, London
39.Fabiana Benvenuto or Caffarone, 21 Donne Place, London
40.Herman Luis Caffarone, 21 Donne Place, London
41.Valerie Canady, 127 Jackson Avenue, South Park, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505-6567, United States of America
42.Gregory Joseph Capasso, 1841 East 33rd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11234, United States of America
43.Timothy Michael Cardwell, RD1, Box 203, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, United States of America
44.Bernt Wilmar Carlsson, Apartment 30, 207 West 106th Street, New York, New York 10025, United States of America
45.Richard Anthony Cawley, 241 Central Park West, New York, New York 10024, United States of America
46.Frank Ciulla, 29 Clifford Drive, Parkridge, New Jersey 97656, United States of America
47.Theodora Eugenia Cohen, aged 20 years, 67 Wisconsin, Long Island, New York 11561, United States of America
48.Eric Michael Coker, aged 20 years, 137 Hilltop Road, Mendham, New Jersey 07945, United States of America
49.Jason Michael Coker, aged 20 years, 137 Hilltop Road, Mendham, New Jersey 07945, United States of America
50.Gary Leonard Colasanti, aged 20 years, 60 Garfield Road, Melrose, Massachusetts 02176, United States of America
51.Bridget Mulroy or Concannon, 20 Nuffield Drive, Banbury, Oxfordshire
52.Sean Concannon, aged 16 years, 20 Nuffield Drive, Banbury, Oxfordshire
53.Thomas Concannon, 20 Nuffield Drive, Banbury, Oxfordshire
54.Tracey Jane Corner, aged 17 years, 12 Springfield Avenue, Millhouses, Sheffield
55.Scott Marsh Cory, aged 20 years, 25 Chadwick Drive, Old Lyme Court, Connecticut 06371, United States of America
56.Willis Larry Coursey, 307 Cresham Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78218, United States of America
57.Patricia Mary Coyle, aged 20 years, 62 Seiter Hill Road, Wallingford, Connecticut 06492, United States of America
58.John Binning Cummock, 271 Vistalmar Street, Coral Gables, Florida 33143, United States of America
59.Joseph Patrick Curry, 885B Beach Street, Fort Devens, Massachusetts 01433, United States of America
60.William Alan Daniels, 20 Sweet Briar Court, Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502, United States of America
61. Gretchen Joyce Dater, aged 20 years, 27 Mohawk Drive, Ramsey, New Jersey 07446, United States of America
62.Shannon Davis, aged 19 years, 32 Isinglass Road, Shelton, Connecticut 06484, United States of America
63.Gabriele Della-Ripa, 406 Plainfield Avenue, Floral Park, New York 11001, United States of America
64.Om Dikshit, 2955 Wylie Drive, Fairborn, Ohio 45324, United States of America
65.Joyce Christine Dimauro, 352 East 18th Street, New York, New York 10003, United States of America
66.Gianfranca Dinardo, Flat 4, 24 Cranley Gardens, South Kensington, London
67.Peter Thomas Stanley Dix, 52 Coborn Road, Bow, London
68.Shanti Devi or Dixit, 2955 Wylie Drive, Fairborn, Ohio 45324, United States of America
69.David Scott Dornstein, 7703 Seminole Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19126, United States of America
70.Michael Joseph Doyle, 17 Arcadia Drive, Voorhees, New Jersey 08043, United States of America
71.Edgar Howard Eggleston III, RD4, Box 296A, Glen Falls, New York 12801, United States of America
72.Siv Ulla Engstrom, 6 Rays Avenue, Windsor, Berkshire
73.Turhan Ergin, 97 Cliffmore Road, West Hartford, Connecticut 06105, United States of America
74.Charles Thomas Fisher IV, 19 Beaufort Gardens, Flat 4, Chelsea, London
75.Clayton Lee Flick, 68 Rugby Road, Binley Woods, Coventry
76.John Patrick Flynn, 10 West Lake Drive, Montville, New Jersey 07045, United States of America
77.Arthur Jay Fondiler, 9 Seymour Place, West Armonk, New York 10504, United States of America
78.Robert Gerard Fortune, 34-05 80th Street, Jackson Heights, New York 11372, United States of America
79.Stacie Denise Franklin, aged 20 years, 1366 Thomas Avenue, San Diego, California 92109, United States of America
80.Paul Matthew Stephen Freeman, 19 Manor Mansions, Belsize Grove, London
81.James Ralph Fuller, 351 Lonepine Court, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48013, United States of America
82.Ibolya Robertne Drucker or Gabor, Wesselenyi 6, Budapest, Hungary
83.Amy Beth Gallagher, 246 Vista, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada
84.Matthew Kevin Gannon, 611 North Ardmore, Los Angeles, California 90004, United States of America
85.Kenneth Raymond Garczynski, 1673 Hudson Avenue, North Brunswick, New Jersey 08902, United States of America
86.Paul Isaac Garrett, 482 Cross Street, Napa, California 94559, United States of America
87.Kenneth James Gibson, aged 20 years, 6/502 Infantry Army Post Office, New York, New York 09742, United States of America
88.William David Giebler, 52 Radcliffe Square, London
89.Andrew Christopher Gillies-Wright, 5 Esher Mews, Mitcham, Surrey
90.Olive Leonora Gordon, 182 William Bonney Estate, London
91.Linda Susan Gordon-Gorgacz, 5 Devere Gardens, Kensington, London
92.Anne Madelene Chaback or Gorgacz, 5 East Wallace Avenue, Apartment 201, Newcastle, Pennsylvania 16101, United States of America
93.Loretta Anne Gorgacz, 5 East Wallace Avenue, Apartment 201, Newcastle, Pennsylvania 16101, United States of America
94.David Jay Gould, 5883 Bartlett Street, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 15217, United States of America
95.Andre Nikolai Guevorgian, 8 Carrpenter Place, Sea Cliff, Long Island, New York 11579, United States of America
96.Nicola Jane Hall, 34 Second Avenue, Illovo, Sandton 2196, South Africa
97.Lorraine Frances Buser or Halsch, 24 Camborne Circle, Fairport, New York 14450, United States of America
98.Lynne Carol Hartunian, 5 Tamarack Lane, Schenectady, New York 12309, United States of America
99.Anthony Lacey Hawkins, 805 East 21st Street, Brooklyn, New York 11210, United States of America
100.Pamela Elaine Herbert, aged 19 years, 378 Parkway Drive, Battle Creek, Michigan 49017, United States of America
101.Rodney Peter Hilbert, 117 South Congress Street, Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940, United States of America
102.Alfred Hill, Heimenhofenstrasse 3, 8972 Sonthofen, West Germany
103.Katherine Augusta Hollister, aged 20 years, 64-11 99th Street, Apartment 604, Rego Park, New York 11374, United States of America
104.Josephine Lisa Hudson, Flat 4, Arton Wilson House, North Wing, Roehampton Lane, London
105.Melina Kristina Hudson, aged 16 years, 124 Lancaster Street, Albany, New York 12210, United States of America
106.Sophie Ailette Miriam Hudson, 14 Rue Therese, Paris 75001, France
107.Karen Lee Hunt, aged 20 years, 477 Maplewoods Lane, Webster, New York 14580, United States of America
108.Roger Elwood Hurst, 43 Lake Riconda Drive, Ringwood, New Jersey 07456, United States of America
109.Elizabeth Sophie Ivell, aged 19 years, 24 High Street, Roberts Bridge, East Sussex
110.Khaled Nazir Jaafar, aged 20 years, 6519 Manor Street, Dearborn, Michigan 48126, United States of America
111.Robert van Houten Jeck, 145 Lake Drive, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046, United States of America
112.Paul Avron Jeffreys, 8 Orchard Cottages, Clifton Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
113.Rachel Mary Elizabeth Jones or Jeffreys, 8 Orchard Cottages, Clifton Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
114.Kathleen Mary Jermyn, aged 20 years, 35 Sheridan Place, Staten Island, New York 10312, United States of America
115.Beth Ann Johnson, 226 Wren Drive, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601, United States of America
116.Mary Lincoln Johnson, 18 Adams Lane, Wayland, Massachusetts 01778, United States of America
117.Timothy Baron Johnson, 2024 West Lake Avenue, Neptune Township, New Jersey 07753, United States of America
118.Christopher Andrew Jones, aged 20 years, Courts Lane, Claverack, New York 12513, United States of America
119.Julianne Frances Kelly, aged 20 years, 31 Massachusetts Avenue, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026, United States of America
120.Jay Joseph Kingham, 10821 Stanmore Drive, Potomac, Maryland 20854, United States of America
121.Patricia Ann Klein, 1108 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08629, United States of America
122.Gregory Kosmowski, 3253 Tipisco Lake Road, Milford, Michigan 48042, United States of America
123.Elke Etha Kuhne, Langensalza Strasse 20, 3 Hanover, West Germany
124.Minas Christopher Kulukundis, 6 Shalcomb Street, London
125.Ronald Albert Lariviere, 200 North Pickett Street, Apartment 903, Alexandria, Virginia 22304, United States of America
126.Maria Nieves Larracoechea, Castello 83, Madrid 28006, Spain
127. Robert Milton Leckburg, 601 Plainfield Avenue, Piscatawa, New Jersey 08854, United States of America
128. William Chase Leyrer, 52 Maple Avenue, Bayshore, New York 11706, United States of America
129.Wendy Anne Lincoln, 294 Notch Road, North Adams, Massachusetts 01247, United States of America
130.Alexander Lowenstein, 24 Old Orchard Road, Mendham Township, Morristown, New Jersey 07960, United States of America
131.Lloyd David Ludlow, Headquarters HQ Company, 4th Brigade, Army Post Office, New York, New York 09185, United States of America
132.Maria Theresia Lurbke, Arnsberger Strasse 47, 5983 Balve-Beckum, West Germany
133.James Bruce MacQuarrie, 32 North Road, Kensington, New Hampshire 03833, United States of America
134.William John McAllister, 124 Peregrine Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex
135.Daniel Emmet McCarthy, 127 92nd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11209, United States of America
136.Robert Eugene McCollum, 1248 Thomas Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087, United States of America
137.Charles Dennis McKee, HOS USA Intelligence Section Command, Arlington Hall Station, Virginia 22212, United States of America
138.Bernard Joseph McLaughlin, 108 Norwood Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island 02905, United States of America
139.Lilibeth Tobila Macalolooy, Morfelder Strasse 97, 6092 Kelsterbach, West Germany
140.William Edward Mack, 202 East 92nd Street, New York, New York 10128, United States of America
141.Douglas Eugene Malicote, 97th Signal Battalion, Army Post Office, New York, New York 02028, United States of America
142. Wendy Gay Forsyth or Malicote, 97th Signal Platoon, US Army Base, Mannheim, West Germany
143. Elizabeth Lillian Marek, 202 West 92nd Street, New York, New York 10025, United States of America
144.Louis Anthony Marengo, 1579 Stoney Creek Drive, Rochester, Michigan 48063, United States of America
145.Noel George Martin, also known as Joseph Emmanuel Barzey, 1 Ashdon House, North Old Road, Clapton, Gloucestershire
146.Diane Marie Maslowski, 130 Prospect Road, Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033, United States of America
147.Jane Susan Melber, 17 Melrose Gardens, Burnt Oak, Middlesex
148.John Merrill, 1 Heath Hall, High Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire
149.Suzanne Marie Miazga, RD1, Box 221, Benton Road, Marcy, New York 13403, United States of America
150.Joseph Kenneth Miller, 381 Westwood Road, Woodmere, New York 11598, United States of America
151.Jewel Courtney Mitchell, 1154 Union Street, Brooklyn, New York 11225, United States of America
152.Richard Paul Monetti, aged 20 years, 1615 Longfellow Drive, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08003, United States of America
153.Jane Ann Morgan, Flat 1, 10 Brompton Square, London
154.Eva Ingeborg Fuchs or Morson, 185 East 85th Street, New York, New York 10028, United States of America
155.Helga Rachael Mosey, aged 19 years, 42 Titford Road, Oldbury, Warley, West Midlands
156.Ingrid Elisabeth Svensson or Mulroy, Kamnarsvagen 9L126, 22246 Lund, Sweden
157.John Mulroy, 35 Cherrywood Drive, East North Port, New York 11731, United States of America
158.Sean Kevin Mulroy, Kamnarsvagen, 9L126, 22246 Lund, Sweden
159.Mary Geraldine Murphy, 1 Cranebrook Manor Road, Twickenham, Middlesex
160.Karen Elizabeth Noonan, aged 20 years, 11901 Glenmill Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854, United States of America
161.Daniel Emmett O'Connor, 17 Lawley Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122, United States of America
162.Mary Denice O'Neill, 1675 Metropolitan Avenue, Bronx, New York 10462, United States of America
163.Ane Lindsey Otenasek, 110 Tunbridge Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21212, United States of America
164.Bryony Elise Owen, aged 1 year, 59 Chelsea Park, Easton, Bristol
165.Gwyneth Yvonne Margaret Owen, 59 Chelsea Park, Easton, Bristol
166.Laura Abigail Owens, aged 8 years, 101 Rockingham Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034, United States of America
167.Martha Ives or Owens, 101 Rockingham Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034, United States of America
168.Robert Plack Owens, 101 Rockingham Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034, United States of America
169.Sarah Rebecca Owens, aged 14 years, 101 Rockingham Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034, United States of America
170.Robert Italo Pagnucco, Oscaleta Road, South Salem, New York 10590, United States of America
171.Christos Michael Papadopoulos, 217 Harborview, North Lawrence, New York 12938, United States of America
172.Peter Raymond Peirce, 860 East Boundry Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551, United States of America
173.Michael Cosimo Pescatore, 5482 Banbery Drive, Medina, Solon, Ohio 44139, United States of America
174. Sarah Susannah Buchanan Philipps, aged 20 years, 78 Hull Street, Newtonville, Massachusetts 02160, United States of America
175.Frederick Sandford Phillips, 12 Van Lee Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205, United States of America
176.James Andrew Campbell Pitt, 96 College Street, South Hadley, Massachusetts 01075, United States of America
177.David Platt, 76 Belfast Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10306, United States of America
178.Walter Leonard Porter, 85 Remsen Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11212, United States of America
179.Pamela Lynn Posen, aged 20 years, 88 Haviland Road, Harrison, New York 10528, United States of America
180.William Pugh, 103 South Claremont Avenue, Margate City, New Jersey 08402, United States of America
181.Crisostomo Estrella Quiguyan, 37 Park View, Monks Park, Wembley, London
182.Rajesh Tarsis Priskel Ramses, 10 Eastfield Court, Eastile Road, Leicester
183.Anmol Rattan, aged 2 years, 24301 Panama, Warren, Michigan 48091, United States of America
184.Garima Dixit or Rattan, 24301 Panama, Warren, Michigan 48091, United States of America
185.Suruchi Rattan, aged 3 years, 24301 Panama, Warren, Michigan 48091, United States of America
186.Anita Lynn Reeves, 801 Fairlawn Avenue, Apartment 4, Laurel, Maryland 20707, United States of America
187.Mark Alan Rein, 220 East 63rd Street, New York, New York 10021, United States of America
188.Jocelyn Reina, 732 Great Western Road, Isleworth, Middlesex
189.Diane Marie Rencevicz, 325 West Union Street, Burlington, New Jersey 08016, United States of America
190. Louise Ann Rogers, 3508 Sundown Farms Way, Olney, Maryland 20832, United States of America
191.Edina Roller, aged 5 years, Vac, Koto Utca 7, H-2600, Hungary
192.Janos Gabor Roller, Vac, Koto Utca 7, H-2600, Hungary
193.Zsuzsanna Pisak or Roller, Vac, Koto Utca 7, H-2600, Hungary
194.Hanne Maria Maijala or Root, 20 West 72nd Street, Apartment 609, New York, New York 10023, United States of America
195.Saul Mark Rosen, 116 Burnham Road, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950, United States of America
196.Andrea Victoria Rosenthal, 784 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021, United States of America
197.Daniel Peter Rosenthal, aged 20 years, 36 Hamilton Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10301, United States of America
198.Myra Josephine Royal, 30 Clitherow Avenue, Hanwell, London
199.Arnaud David Rubin, 68 Avenue Des Croix Du Feu, Waterloo 1410, Belgium
200.Elyse Jeanne Saraceni, aged 20 years, Mews Room 17, 1 Park Crescent Mews East, London
201.Scott Christopher Saunders, 2996 Macungie Road, Macungie, Pennsylvania 18062, United States of America
202.Teresa Elizabeth Jane Wilson or Saunders, 124 Peregrine Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex
203.Johannes Otto Schaeuble, Kappellenweg 6, 7407 Rottenburg, Wurmlingen, West Germany
204.Robert Thomas Schlageter, aged 20 years, 814 West Shore Road, Warwick, Rhode Island 02889, United States of America
205.Thomas Britton Schultz, aged 20 years, 142 Wilton Road, Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877, United States of America
206.Sally Elizabeth Scott, 4 Woodvale Lane, Huntington, New York 11743, United States of America
207. Amy Elizabeth Shapiro, 77 Brook Run Lane, Stamford, Connecticut 06905, United States of America
208.Mridula Shastri, Room 1, St Johns College, 11 St Johns Street, Oxford
209.Joan Lichtenstein or Sheanshang, 4 East 89th Street, New York, New York 10128, United States of America
210.Irving Stanley Sigal, 120 East Delaware Avenue, Pennington, New Jersey 08574, United States of America
211.Martin Bernard Carruthers Simpson, 249 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, New York 11215, United States of America
212.Irja Syhnove Skabo, Ankerveien 17-0390, Oslo, Norway
213.Cynthia Joan Smith, 340 Brook Road, Milton, Massachusetts 02186, United States of America
214.Ingrid Anita Leadgard or Smith, Malthouse Cottage, Church Lane, Bray, Berkshire
215.James Alvin Smith, 139 East 35th Street, New York, New York 10016, United States of America
216.Mary Edna Hall or Smith, 97th Signal Battalion, Army Post Office, New York, New York 09028, United States of America
217.Geraldine Anne O'Gara or Stevenson, 44 Manor Road, South Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey
218.Hannah Louise Stevenson, aged 10 years, 44 Manor Road, South Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey
219.John Charles Stevenson, 44 Manor Road, South Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey.
220.Rachael Stevenson, aged 8 years, 44 Manor Road, South Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey
221.Charlotte Ann McGuire or Stinnett, 1526 Lime Leaf Lane, Duncanville, Texas 75137, United States of America
222.Michael Gary Stinnett, 1526 Lime Leaf Lane, Duncanville, Texas 75137, United States of America
223. Stacey Leanne Stinnett, aged 9 years, 1526 Lime Leaf Lane, Duncanville, Texas 75137, United States of America
224.James Ralph Stow, 205 East 95th Street, Apartment 31D, New York, New York 10128, United States of America
225.Elia G Stratis, 57 Longridge Road, Montvale, New Jersey 07645, United States of America
226.Anthony Selwyn Swan, 41 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, New York 11216, United States of America
227.Flora MacDonald Margaret Swire, William Goodenough House, Mecklenburgh Square, Bloomsbury, London
228.Marc Alex Tager, 3 Cedars Close, Hendon, London
229.Hidekazu Tanaka, Flat 6, 110 Gloucester Terrace, London
230.Andrew Alexander Teran, aged 20 years, Pearson College, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, United States of America
231.Arva Anthony Thomas, aged 17 years, 14075 Marlowe, Detroit, Michigan 48227, United States of America
232.Jonathan Ryan Thomas, aged 2 months, 15838 Harden Circle, Southfield, Michigan 48075, United States of America
233.Lawanda Coleman or Thomas, 15838 Harden Circle, Southfield, Michigan 48075, United States of America
234.Mark Lawrence Tobin, 36 St Pauls Road, North Hempstead, New York 11550, United States of America
235.David William Trimmer-Smith, 222 East 56th Street, Apartment 5A, New York, New York, 10022, United States of America
236.Alexia Kathryn Tsairis, aged 20 years, 379 Vance Avenue, Franklyn Lakes, New Jersey 07417, United States of America
237.Barry Joseph Valentino, 119 Haight Street, Apartment 16, San Francisco, California 94102, United States of America
238. Tomas Floro van Tienhoven, Jose C Paz, 738 Accassuso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and also at 11 Argyll Road, London
239. Asaad Eidi Vejdany, 32 Somerset Drive South, Great Neck, New York 11020, United States of America
240.Milutin Velimirovich, 33 Dorset Way, Heston, Hounslow, Middlesex
241.Nicholas Andreas Vrenios, aged 20 years, 6628 32nd Street, NW Washington DC 20015, United States of America
242.Peter Vulcu, 1541 Overlook, Alliance, Ohio 44601, United States of America
243.Raymond Ronald Wagner, 165 Pennington-Harbourton Road, Pennington, New Jersey 08534, United States of America
244.Janina Jozefa Rusniak or Mitka or Waido, 2257 North Lavergne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60639, United States of America
245.Thomas Edwin Walker, 192 Taylor Street, Wallaston, Quincy, Massachusetts 02170, United States of America
246.Kesha Weedon, aged 20 years, 2525 Aqueduct Avenue, Bronx, New York 10468, United States of America
247.Jerome Lee Weston, 3134 Eastern Parkway, Baldwin, Long Island, New York 11510, United States of America
248.Jonathan White, 11229 Blix Street, North Hollywood, California 91620, United States of America
249.Bonnie Leigh Rafferty or Williams, 516th Engineer Company, Army Post Office, New York, New York 09165, United States of America
250.Brittany Leigh Williams, aged 2 months, 516th Engineer Company, Army Post Office, New York, New York 09165, United States of America
251.Eric Jon Williams, 516th Engineer Company Army Post Office, New York, New York 09165, United States of America
252.George Waterson Williams, 305 Garnett Road, Joppa, Maryland 21085, United States of America
253.Stephanie Leigh Williams, aged 1 year, 516th Engineer Company, Army Post Office, New York, New York 09165, United States of America
254. Miriam Luby Wolfe, aged 20 years, 120 Kennedy Drive, Severna Park, Maryland 21146, United States of America
255.Chelsea Marie Woods, aged 10 months, Apartment 1151, 6750 Vogelweh Housing, West Germany
256.Dedera Lynn Copeland or Woods, Apartment 1151, 6750 Vogelweh Housing, West Germany
257.Joe Nathan Woods, Apartment 1151, 6750 Vogelweh Housing, West Germany
258.Joe Nathan Woods Jnr, aged 2 years, Apartment 1151, 6750 Vogelweh Housing, West Germany
259.Mark James Zwynenburg, 151 Foxwood Road, West Nyack, New York 10994, United States of America
1.Joanne Flannigan, aged 10 years, 16 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
2.Kathleen Mary Doolan or Flannigan, 16 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
3.Thomas Brown Flannigan, 16 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
4.Dora Henrietta Moffat or Henry, Arranmore, 13 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
5.Maurice Peter Henry, Arranmore, 13 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
6.Mary Browell or Lancaster, 11 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
7.Jean Aitken Murray, Westerly, 14 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
8.John Somerville, 15 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
9.Lynsey Anne Somerville, aged 10 years, 15 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
10.Paul Somerville, aged 13 years, 15 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
11.Rosaleen Leiter Hanney or Somerville, 15 Sherwood Crescent, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire
How many ways can you write kadafi?
(1) Muammar Qaddafi, (2) Mo'ammar Gadhafi, (3) Muammar Kaddafi, (4) Muammar Qadhafi, (5) Moammar El Kadhafi, (6) Muammar Gadafi, (7) Mu'ammar al-Qadafi, (8) Moamer El Kazzafi, (9) Moamar al-Gaddafi, (10) Mu'ammar Al Qathafi, (11) Muammar Al Qathafi, (12) Mo'ammar el-Gadhafi, (13) Moamar El Kadhafi, (14) Muammar al-Qadhafi, (15) Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, (16) Mu'ammar Qadafi, (17) Moamar Gaddafi, (18) Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi, (19) Muammar Khaddafi, (20) Muammar al-Khaddafi, (21) Mu'amar al-Kadafi, (22) Muammar Ghaddafy, (23) Muammar Ghadafi, (24) Muammar Ghaddafi, (25) Muamar Kaddafi, (26) Muammar Quathafi, (27) Muammar Gheddafi, (28) Muamar Al-Kaddafi, (29) Moammar Khadafy, (30) Moammar Qudhafi, (31) Mu'ammar al-Qaddafi, (32) Mulazim Awwal Mu'ammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Qadhafi.
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