Friday, September 16, 2011

NFL is to shame over last weeks NY vs. Americas Team game on 9/11

Why would the NFL have caused such a disgrace on september 11, in NY of all places?

The NFL disgraced the country by pairing up New York vs. America's Team on 9/11. It was mentioned by someone I bounced my story off of, that people who don't follow professional American football, would not understand what I am talking about.

I do agree, but this site is about 10021 NY socialities, whom many may have never seen a football game before, and don't understand nicknames given to the Dallas Cowboy's. For those who don't know why this is a disgrace, I will tell you.

Dallas Cowboy's nickname for several decades has been "America's Team", not sure why, but that does not matter. Just know that America's Team is their nickname.

So the disgrace is that EVERYONE in the USA was hurt at the attacks by ARAB terrorists on September 11, 2001, and not only the 10021 NY socialites and all other people living in new york. The attacks did not only happen in NY either, which is why this is a disgrace to have a game that sounds like NY elitist vs. the rest of the country. That is unAmerican.

Plaxico, the convict who now plays for NY Jets, said when the microphone and camera were on him, we won this for NY.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Raw Food and Vegans of Los Angeles say nothing about radiation in their food supply

10021 NY socialites may be scratching their heads as to why anybody would want to live in LA, even though they can avoid snow and cold weather.

After the Japan earthquake, and explosions in the nuclear reactors, it was only a matter of time before the radiation went airborne. FACTS: Radiation landing all over the United States and food supply testing positive for radiation contamination, leaves one to wonder why haven't the vegans and raw food fanatics flipped out?

If a person that meticulously watches not only what they eat, but even the temperature it is stored and prepared does not totally flip out at the knowledge that their organic fruits and vegetables are now contaminated, than either they are on some heavy medication to dull their senses, or they have not been informed. Is ignorance bliss?

Even if the vegans, raw food addicts and health nuts bought out all the sea kelp, potassium iodide and or nutritional supplements to remove metals in their body, how long would they need to keep taking them if the radiation is in the food supply as well as the air and the water they drink. Can a water filter remove radiation? Could it be time to move away from LA? Would people welcome LA nuts to their community?

Whats more is that, if the vegans and raw food fanatics food supply is contaminated, it also means they are contaminated with radiation from Japan.

Scientists talk about negative effects of radiation in terms of dosage. If the dosage is constant and in the food supply, as well as in our cells, what is truly the consequences?

In LA, there is not much discussion on this topic while in NY, people might feel untouchable?

How does this effect NY socialites in 10021 and LA socialites? Did the billionaires in Los Angeles fly out of town while all this blows over? How long does it take to remove radiation contamination from the water? They might be out of town for a long time.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Peyton Manning needs to retire NOW | Colts lose to New York Jets

After watching the New York Jets defeat the Colts, I will explain the reasons why Peyton Manning needs to retire NOW, before he turns into Brett Favre who should have left the league, before tarnishing his hall of fame career.

What we are now left with, is not thinking of Peyton Manning as the most feared dominant quarterback in the league, but a shadow of the man he once was.

Irregardless of  saying that Peyton Manning's support was not there, or that injuries to key players decreased Peyton's targets, lets face it. The Super star's best years are now behind him.

What we expected in the wild card game tonight was an aerial assault by both Peyton manning and Mark Sanchez, but what we got was a low scoring game decided by a field goal. Should a destined for hall of fame quarterback have made it that close? The answer is no, Peyton manning should have never kept the game as close as it was.

It seemed to me that Peyton Manning played the game to conservative with way to many short passes, that kept the Colts short of first downs. While everyone could see a glimpse of the old Peyton manning calling audibles at the line, and what should have confused the defense, it only mildly worked.

While the New York Jets defense did put a stop to any Colt running game, it seemed like Peyton Manning let us down, and that's why Peyton manning needs to retire.

Do you agree with me, that Peyton manning needs to retire now? Let me know what you think.

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