Help for overlooked actors whose new TV show will be on in the new season who are not receiving the attention nor are they allowed to even attend the UPFRONTS. This may be your one and only chance to shine in front of the world, and to receive the swag that is usually reserved for a few on your TV show. You may say, this is a how-to on crashing the upfronts.
What happens when the network decides who will attend the UPFRONTS in New York and you’re not on the list? Unless your name is Shia LaBeouf, you’re not invited. There are a few choices you can make to take actions to get them to make an exception for you, as well as creating a buzz for yourself, even if you don’t attend the UPFRONTS.
One option is if the show becomes a hit, then eventually it will catch up to you and you will be allowed to attend next years UPFRONTS, or if you’re very lucky, next season’s UPFRONTS. However if the show bombs, and is either cancelled mid-run, or not picked up for another season, then your chance was blown.
Another option is to get yourself to New York on your own tab, and have your personal publicist work every angle possible to get you press. You may not be allowed at the UPFRONT area that your network has set up for press to view the pilot and meet the stars, but that does not mean you’re shut out of all the parties and gifting suites full of international media and camera crews, reporters and paparazzi. How do you find a publicist that would help you work this angle? One source of help for getting attention, comes from Rob Tencer, an experienced celebrity publicist with a knack for the overlooked. “I had former clients whose show ran for years on network TV, but was never asked to attend the UPFRONTS in New York. In one instance, the show’s publicist picked the two main stars of an ensemble cast. Everyone else’s career were wasted when the show was eventually canceled. I could not believe that the client never made it to the UPFRONTS, with a hit show. I am determined to never let this happen again, for any of my clients who have a show on network or cable TV.”
If the network has made their decision on whom they want representing their shows.
You should not take no for an answer, if your name is not on the list of who attends the UPFRONTS. However, if you do take no for an answer, you must get pre-emptive and pro-active about your career. Keep in mind the show and network publicist is not going to help you, and you must seek help from your personal publicist.
Once the show airs, is it possible to get a bigger role on my show?
Another of Rob Tencer’s clients underwent a transformation from the pilot episode to the regular season of the show. The network had her lose weight; change her hair color and hair style. They changed how she dressed, but it wasn’t until she gained the ear and friendship with the star of the show, that she was given more lines and a bigger presence. He went to bat for her, pleading with the writers and the producers to give her a chance.
Rob Tencer equalizes the playing field by creating a buzz for the unknown and overlooked actor. This is your one opportunity to take center stage. Why let it pass? Do something about it, while you can.
Rob Tencer is available for all your needs in this specialized area of publicity. You can find out more about Rob Tencer at his website http://www.robtencerpr.com or you can reach him at ayepublicrelations@gmail.com or via phone 248-808-2270
Keywords: UPFRONTS,TV,television,New York,NY,NYC,celebrities,stars,press,publicity,publicist,glamour,perks,swag
Find out more about the Author of this blog at his website Rob Tencer pr.
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